Saturday, August 01, 2020

MI Murder & negro News

By "W"
Sat, Aug 1, 2020 5:10 p.m.

MI Murder & negro News

Dusky EMU male charged with multiple rapes:

N.S.: Dustyn Durbin is accused of having been a serial rapist, allegedly having raped at least eight coeds during his time at Eastern Michigan University.

Those characters never learn. In 2006, another affirmative action admit, Orange Taylor III, raped and murdered white coed, Laura Dickinson. The university president and chief of campus police conspired to cover up Taylor's crimes. Both lost their jobs over their crimes, but were not prosecuted. A racist, black female juror then caused a mistrial, and the white net taxpayers of Washtenaw County Michigan, then had to pay for a second trial.

"W": Black UofM administrator, promoted time and again, accused of sex assaults:


Anonymous said...

The cloak of silence by media is on both stories.Here I'm in Michigan and I haven't heard one report about the U of M negro sex machine getting fired.
I KNOW it's rampant at the colleges AND media outlets(like NBC)where negroes feel protected by upper liberal management--that any accusations against blacks will not be pursued--so RAPE ON!

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I hadn't heard about the Laura Dickinson murder so looked it up. First article I found described Orange Taylor's "defense" argument.
His attorney's did not deny that Mr. Taylor entered her apt. but that he snuck in to steal and masturbated over her body - not realizing she was dead. He must have thought she was a pretty sound sleeper to get away with that one. And yes, some other unknown murderer killed her and Mr. Taylor had the incredible misfortune of burgling her apt. right afterward. He must be the unluckiest burglar in the world. Reminds me of the CP5 or Rudy Guede, the negro who murdered Meredith Kercher in Italy and blamed two white kids who had nothing to do with it. The CP5 were so unlucky that the very night they decided to go on a rampage to rob every white they saw, a negro serial rapist/murderer just happened to rape and attempt to murder Tricia Meili the very same night, right at time and place they were concluding their rampage. Rudy Guede claimed that Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito snuck and murdered Meredith Kercher at the same time he had felt the urge to take a dump, after having consensual sex with Meredith, and he didn't realize that Meredith was being sexually assaulted, tortured and slashed to death.
The only thing more absurd than their childish excuses is that there are perfectly intelligent whites that believe them. What's really scary is that when I look around at what's happening in the world, I know this sort of thing is going to get a lot worse.