Thursday, May 14, 2020

Mexico is Cremating Bodies on an "Industrial Scale"

By A Texas Reader
Thu, May 14, 2020 9:43 p.m.

Mexico is Cremating Bodies on an "Industrial Scale"

ATR: Sh[oo]t, is this any different than what the indigenous (sic) have been doing for thousands of years?

ATR: It's the co-morbidity factors - diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, etc. - that kill folks with COVID.


Anonymous said...

From the smell,most people across the border in Texas, just thought Taco Bell was using some really inferior meat.

Anonymous said...

They are trying to eat the white man diet which is not commensurate with their metabolism. Especially dairy product and sugary stuff. Sugary stuff almost from corn syrup added to all processed foods.

Anonymous said...

Let's be real. All those fat f**ks will die out and rest will move on. I work in a major harbor and there has been no real difference, other than the Mexicans have been keeping their kids home due to schools out. And if anyone thinks a Mex peasant can/will, or even gives a s**t about their kids being educated in the Yanqui tradition is a fool. Home schooling Latin still is sending them to work in the fields, and good for them. College has ruined many a good truck driver and the left wing Latins are truly insufferable. Their own community hates them, so they have to come running to YT for their social worker or elementary education jobs. We need job programs for skilled and semi skilled workers. The liberal arts should be only for those that can pay an over priced degree mill like USC or Stanford, not a taxpayer funded one. And if we lose a few fat Mex's? Like the BLM movement, the actual Community (or Barrio) does not give a rat's ass, so why should we?