-----Original Message-----
From: Gatestone Institute <list@gatestoneinstitute.org>
To: add1dda@aol.com
Sent: Sat, Apr 4, 2020 5:16 a.m.
Subject: "F***ing Swede"
N.S.: The Swedish ruling class is using Moslem savages to ritually degrade ordinary Swedes. This was "Obama's" dream of AFFH for whites, but using black American savages.
"F***ing Swede" by Judith Bergman • April 4, 2020 at 5:00 am -
In Gothenburg, a criminal gang of youths forced their victim to kiss the gang leader's feet, while they filmed him. After that, they stamped on his face until he passed out. — Expressen, October 1, 2019. -
"It is a way to show your power. They want to dominate places. They do that by putting fear in other youths." — Thomas Petterson, analyst for the Gothenburg police, Expressen, August 31, 2019. -
"Even little girls aren't safe... The gangs have gained respect, as it is called. This means that they have taken over certain neighborhoods..." — Ingrid Björkman, Jan Elfverson, Jonathan Friedman and Åke Wedin, in the book, Exit Folkhemssverige ("Exit the Swedish Welfare State"), 2007. -
"Previously, gang rapes were virtually unknown in Sweden. But since the 1980s, they have steadily increased. Since 1995, they have quadrupled. In 1999, 35 gang rapes were recorded in Stockholm alone. Today, the media reports every week or every two weeks on such violent crimes." — Ingrid Björkman, Jan Elfverson, Jonathan Friedman and Åke Wedin, in the book, Exit Folkhemssverige. A new kind of crime is making the headlines in Sweden, known as förnedringsrån ("humiliation robbery"). The victims of these "humiliation robberies" are almost always children or teenagers. (Photo by Ponus Stenberg/AFP via Getty Images) A new kind of crime is making the headlines in Sweden, in Swedish known as förnedringsrån. Förnedring means "humiliation" and rån means "robbery." The victims of these "humiliation robberies" are almost always children or teenagers. As previously reported by Gatestone Institute: "The number of children who rob other children has increased by 100% in only four years, according to a new study by Swedish police... In 2016, there were 1,178 robberies against children under 18 years of age. In 2019, the number had increased to 2,484. The number of violent crimes where the suspect is a child under 15 years of age has also gone up dramatically: In 2015, there were 6,359 reported violent crimes where the suspect was a child under 15. In 2019, that number had increased to 8,719 reported violent crimes". | | | |

1 comment:
The one Swede police official said that in his prior thirty years of policing he had never once seen the torching of a single car. Not dozens torched in a single night and all the time.
And that is what it is. Humiliation to show power. "We can do what we want to you and your society is unwilling and unable to protect you." "We are your new masters and you better just obey from now on."
Interracial rape with gang rape too in Sweden combined. I would bet there are NO incidents of gang rape, a whitey gang of Swedes attacking a woman of "color". Same as in the USA.
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