Saturday, January 04, 2020

Reader Gloats over the Conviction of Michael Drejka for Shooting Markeis McGlockton to Death

[Re: Nicholas Stix, “War on the White Working Class: The Judicial Lynching of Michael Drejka,” VDARE, November 13, 2019.]

-----Original Message-----
From: C.P.
To: add1dda
Sent: Fri, Jan 3, 2020 10:29 pm
Subject: War On The White Working Class: The Judicial Lynching Of Michael Drejka

Your article on Drejka is utterly stupid. The facts in the case are simple: Drejka was looking to provoke someone into a confrontation so he could kill the person. Drejka believed that the stand-your-ground law would protect him, but it didn't.

The person who starts an altercation is the one who is responsible for it. It was none of Drejka’s business where people were parking on a property that he didn't own, and he should have stayed out of it.

I am a white man, and I just don’t understand you white supremacists. Being white is the most insignificant characteristic that I have. I couldn’t care less what color anyone is. And you are especially stupid to be obsessed by it since white men are still the favored group in the country. If all you have to make yourself feel worthwhile is your whiteness, then you are the most pitiful person on the planet.

N.S.: You are a racist imbecile.

What evidence do you have to support your assertion that Michael Drejka committed premeditated murder?

That was a rhetorical question.

Michael Drejka had no criminal history.

Markeis McGlockton, on the other hand, had a history of violent criminality.

McGlockton started the altercation, when he committed the equivalent of a sucker-punch attack on Drejka. Do you not know what “altercation” means?

You’re using the same sort of sophistry as supporters of Trayvon Martin’s license to kill, and George Zimmerman’s duty to die.

“It was none of Drejka’s business…”

It was absolutely Drejka’s business. The first line of defense against miscreants is not a policeman, but an ordinary citizen. “It was none of his business…” was also a rhetorical ruse of Martin’s racist supporters.

If anyone planned the attack, it was McGlockton’s girlfriend, Britany Jacobs. I have encountered racist black couples just like that. One breaks a social rule or law, in order to draw a white into saying something, whereupon one or both then sucker-punch the white so unlucky to cross paths with them.

You are projecting your own racism onto whites.

“Being white is the most insignificant characteristic that I have. I couldn’t care less what color anyone is.”

Liar. If you were indifferent to race, you would never have the attitudes you do, and would never have dipped your pen in vitriol over race.

Why do you hate whites?


Anonymous said...

I assumed I had invented a new word to describe guys like this:Maso-racist.I thought of the masochist,substituted "racist" for "chist" and posted it here.Shortly after,I googled it and was disappointed to find--in the urban dictionary--the only mention of a masoracist--"someone opposed to their own race and heritage."
I thought I had something there--too bad.

Anonymous said...

Last year,WOODTV celebrated 70 years of broadcasting (the longer they go,the worse they get)by airing 30 to 40 year old "vintage" reports by a guy named Dick Evans--who in the 70s and 80s traveled "the Michigan Road".
In 1988 he offered this story of a time when handicap parking enforcement was considered a high priority to a local community.Back then,you mostly see white kids parking in these spots--in the city mentioned (Portage)--because the city was ALL WHITE!So Portage hired someone to tell people they couldn't park where they didn't belong--and give tickets if they did.
Fast forward to today and any white person hired for that type of volunteer law enforcement job(they're citizens.not cops)would be considered "racist" and the job,"racially oppressive"--but only because blacks are the main violators now of handicap parking laws--and believe me,it's all I see.Check the report out--it's fascinating to see how laws are being de-emphasized because blacks are the ones committing them.Back then,whites were allowed to be disciplined for the same violations blacks commit in 2020 with impunity(and maybe whites still are today).
Plus,if you confront a black about it nowadays,unlike on the Dick Evans report,the law allows that if you mention a parking violation to a black,you can be attacked--and if you defend yourself--put in prison for 20 years--like Drejka was.
How times have changed--unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

The woman was illegally parked in a handicapped spot. Probably in the habit of doing so. Drejka confronted her and there was a heated argument. The man inside the shop came out and shoved Drejka to the ground. But it was not premeditated.

eahilf said...

You really have to ask if a white person can get a fair trial in the US today when accused of killing a non-white.

This person shows how malevolently stupid people are/can be when it comes to matters of race and crime:

The person who starts an altercation is the one who is responsible for it.

Of course Drejka didn't 'start an altercation' -- it was McGlockton who 'started the altercation'/assaulted Drejka by shoving Drejka to the ground -- one can argue re whether Drejka was justified in using deadly force, but he isn't the one who 'started the altercation'.

Only scum park in handicapped spaces.

Anonymous said...

Pat doesn't say it clear enough--whites are the endangered ones.Muslims,Mex and nig are screwing non-stop.What's wrong with us?WE'RE the richest group of them all,yet have no interest in keeping whitey alive through reproduction.Strangest thing ever--and all since 1965.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
There's a difference between a verbal argument and a physical assault. You could say that Drejka started the verbal altercation, though it was over a legitimate issue, but he didn't instigate a physical altercation, McClogckton did that. Once he physically assaulted Drejka, it became a self defense situation.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I don't know if you saw the Starbucks "car dragging death" but the two perps have been caught. Well, maybe it wasn't exactly a dragging death but if the victim had been black and the perps white you can bet they'd be trying to spin it that way.
34 year old K-State graduate Shuo Zen was in a Starbucks when a negro snatched his laptop and ran to a waiting car with his accomplice, Mr. Zen chased after him and tried to grab the car door but was jerked off balance and spun around, his head made contact with a solid object and he was killed. When this first hit the news there was no description of the perps so immediately you knew it was a negro crime. Fortunately, Foxnews is publishing their picture now that they have been identified. One of the perps sister, Shaquila Reed, told reporters her brother is innocent stating "He dindu nuffin's"...No, just kidding (sort of), she said: "He (doesn't) deserve this. My brother was not there," she said. Well, same difference. Her brother Byron Reed was on parole after serving a sentence for robbery, but according to his sister, this time he's innocent for sure. Police are still looking for a third accomplice.

eahilf said...

The physical altercation and Drejka's fear that he would be the victim of more physical violence was the proximate cause for his use of deadly force -- if there had only been a "verbal altercation", they would not have hesitated to charge him -- so in this way it makes no sense to speak of any "verbal altercation" as germane to the way the case played itself out in the "justice system" -- re the interaction between Drejka and the victim, it was never about just words.

Also, I'm sure another problem for Drejka was that he is not a very sympathetic character -- look at the videos of him during police interviews, which I think are available on YT, and decide for yourself.

Now re the very sad East Bay laptop grab-and-dash, the cops are still looking for a third person.

Anonymous said...

The colored man [deceased] in all fairness was backing away from Drejka when shot. Drejka was in a bad position for defense but he probably did not need to shoot.