Friday, June 14, 2024

ny republican congresswoman seeks to confuse voters, following the President's clear condemnation of milwaukee as "horrible"

By N.S.

"Trump's 'horrible city' comment on milwaukee was about 'policies,' says ny congresswoman who provoked response"

"rep. Claudia Tenney said she posed the question that led to the milwaukee mention, telling the post the presumptive gop presidential nominee was talking about policy."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Horrible,"probably understates it,though blacks are "only" 17% of the pop.Still 66% Whites,12% spicanos.

A grand total of 563,000 people live there(less than what I thought),yet they have reported 58 murders so far in 2024.The hilarious news story,when you look it up,is the fact that this high total is 50% less than last year.

That's STILL a lot--if the number is even true.