Friday, June 21, 2024

More on Donald Sutherland


Before Altman made ugly leading men fashionable with the vile MASH in 1970, Sutherland always played psychotic killers and literal retards, in horror films and British TV series. He was very convincing in those roles; DAY OF THE LOCUST (one of his best movies) was a throwback to those times. The late-awakening "feminist" had no problem banging Julie Christie on camera in DON'T LOOK NOW, nor with walking around nude in ANIMAL HOUSE (I think that was the movie; the sight was so repulsive I've tried to bury it in in my memory). And the whore Mirren made her career by flaunting her body in Michael Powell's disastrous AGE OF CONSENT (and she was stunning then- like a Frank Frazetta fantasy woman come to life). Face it, actors are- and were- mostly scum; if one enjoys their work, it should be left at that, and nothing more. -RM

Friday, June 21, 2024 at 2:35:00 PM EDT Anonymous said...

R.M.,if they would only stay in their enclosed,luxurious fantasy world and out of trying to influence the REAL world(which they don't interact with on a daily,weekly or monthly basis)we could call it even.But they don't.


Friday, June 21, 2024 at 10:22:00 PM EDT

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