Friday, June 28, 2024

msnbc on fake president/real gangster Joe Biden's cognitive abilities

Re-posted by N.S.


Anonymous said...

The quote biden should be remembered for(June 28,2024):

"I may not walk as well as I used to,I might not talk as well as I used to and I may not be able to debate like I used to(GRA:what else is left?),but I know one thing--I tell the TRUTH."(GRA:He lied right there.)


Anonymous said...

There have been hundreds of examples of biden's brain being in the dumper,going as far back as when he was running in 2020.The dems don't care.If he had a brain he might get in the way of obama's agenda.In the last 3 1/2 years,we've had a nig*er(who's a White genocidalist)running this country.


Anonymous said...

And before he was WHAT exactly?? If at the top of his game now, what was he before?

Anonymous said...

"Bidən is far beyond cogent. He is better than he has EVER been intellectually, analytically. He is the best ever."

If that is the best he has been we are in big trouble. But we already knew that.