Sunday, June 30, 2024

Martin Luther King Jr.'s mental health challenges

By A.L.
Sunday, June 30, 2024 at 11:50:12p.m. edt

Martin Luther King Jr.

january 19, 2022 - Martin Luther King Jr. was personally familiar with mental health challenges. Although the particulars of King’s lifelong battle with mental illness remain a mystery, there are some things we do know. He attempted suicide twice before age thirteen.


Anonymous said...

There's nothing worse than an unsuccessful,black suicidalist--except an unsuccessful,black suicidalist who kills White people first.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx

Isn't the Department of Homeland supposed to protect our borders? Guess not when you have a traitorous evil President and a Mex in charge of the department:

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has extended and redesignated a temporary amnesty program to more than 300,000 Haitian nationals living in the United States, ensuring they are not eligible for deportation and can hold American jobs.

Late last week, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced the extension and redesignation of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for about 309,000 Haitian nationals living in the U.S. who would otherwise be eligible for deportation.

We could have had those 309K deported but it looks like Biden and Mayorkas are setting the stage to grant them citizenship. They call them Haitians but what they really are is negroes, the next generation will be no different than our own homegrown ones or the ones they ship in from Africa. Will it be too late to get rid of them if Trump gets elected? That's probably our only hope.

Anonymous said...

The more and more about KKKing the worse it gets.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Racism made him crazy...guarantee that's what they will say. I had heard that blacks have higher levels of mental problems than Whites, but also the converse. So which is true? I found contradictory information though one somewhat credible sounding source stated that Whites in general have more mental issues but blacks have more severe ones. I don't really buy that, I suspect Whites may complain more so that's why they might statistically have more mental issues but I do believe that blacks have more severe mental issue. But it's not due to racism, it's in their nature to be more disturbed, especially with violent tendencies. A little scouting around and you find that refrain repeated over and over by so called "experts" that lay the blame on White racism for black mental issues. Liars.

Anonymous said...

There's a reason why blacks consistently have SAT scores 30-40% less than Whites--mental problems.

There's a reason why blacks go out after midnight(instead of sleeping)and have all-night block parties and shoot each other--mental problems.

There's a reason why blacks lie as naturally as breathing--mental problems.

There's a reason why blacks commit bizarre crimes in restaurants on a regular basis(e.g.:murder over a perceived slight--like no catsup on a burger)--mental problems.

There's a reason why blacks are the only race who hit random Whites,Asians etc.on the street with fists,bricks and bats--mental problems.

Shootings aplenty,in cities of all sizes,from coast to coast.

What are "mental problems?"
Low IQ,sociopathic tendencies,lack of evolution.That isn't Whitey's fault,it's the natural characteristics of blacks--it's the way they are.