Friday, June 28, 2024

npr on the debate

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
friday, june 28, 2024 at 2:35:00 a.m. edt

On the other side, npr had the gall to offer this:

“president [sic] biden struggled in the cnn presidential debate, offering often rambling answers in a hoarse and quiet voice. The President, who also rambled, painted a characteristically dark vision of the country and repeatedly lied about his and biden’s records — which went largely unchallenged by cnn’s moderators.”

GRA: But biden didn’t lie?




Anonymous said...

Define LIE to me!!

Anonymous said...

(NY post)Fact check: Biden’s horrific debate performance made worse by multiple lies and gaffes.

GRA:He also said,"I tell the truth."(how often?)He denied sexually grabbing Tara Reade in the early 90s,he's told whoppers about his grades in school,he claimed to be a coal miner(wasn't);he said he was a "civil rights leader,"participating in sit-ins"--didn't happen.

Many others.He lied about Hunter Biden,saying,"I never talk to my son about business."Hunter didn't make money in China"--proven a has a list,including money,business dealings etc.