Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Happy Juneteenth II!

Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 09:28:07 PM EDT
Subject: Happy Juneteenth!

Gonna prank dad when he gets home

Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 08:38:53 AM EDT

Gonna prank dad when he gets home

"ohio attorney suspended over throwing poop-filled Pringles cans has license reinstated"

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
wednesday, june 19, 2024 at 08:42:24 a.m. edt

"ohio attorney suspended over throwing poop-filled Pringles cans has license reinstated"

C. Jack Allen Blakeslee is the doo-doo head lawyer

"dr. David Martin interview — US gov. is coordinating a depopulation program against the world"

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
wednesday, june 19, 2024 at 09:36:33 p.m. edt

"must-watch: Dr. David Martin interview — US gov. is coordinating a depopulation program against the world"

"editorial: violent crime in chicago remains a crisis, plain and simple. there is no higher priority for you, mr. mayor"

By R.C.
wednesday, june 19, 2024 at 09:44:00 p.m. edt

N.S. postscript, june 20, 2024, 3:52 a.m.: Violent crime is not a "crisis" for Brandon Johnson, and probably not for the trib, either. Both parties support colored criminals, so where's the crisis?

mEX “monster” breaks into a home, in almost exclusively White city of Rockford, michigan (16 miles north of grand rapids) and stabs 11-year-old girl, with plans to rape her after he slaughtered her; she somehow “survives”

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Monday, June 17, 2024 at 11:49:00 PM EDT

GRA: THANKS, biden.

"(Fox17) plainfield township, mich. — the suspect in saturday morning's stabbing of an 11-year-old girl planned to violate her body after killing her and then attack everyone else in the house.

"Ricardo Castillo was arraigned monday afternoon on counts of assault with intent to murder, first-degree home invasion, assault with intent to commit criminal sexual conduct, and carrying a weapon with unlawful intent.

"according to court documents, Castillo told investigators he broke into the home on Ella terrace court with the aim of killing everyone inside. detectives say surveillance cameras captured Castillo entering the home then taking his shoes, socks and pants off before grabbing a knife from the kitchen.

"the sheriff's office told the court he went upstairs, expecting to attack people in their bedrooms. the first few doors he found locked. the first unlocked door he found led to the master bedroom where the husband and wife were sleeping.

"Castillo told police he decided to quietly close the door and look for an easier target.

"eventually he found a room where the 11-year-old girl was sleeping. she was taking part in a sleepover at the home.

"Castillo told investigators he planned to sexually assault the girl's body after killing her, taking his underwear off before attacking.

"the girl's screams caused Castillo to stop the stabbing and awoke some of the other people in the home.

"minutes later a 911 caller from the home told dispatchers a man covered in blood had broken in around 3 a.m. and was being held at gunpoint.

"deputies found Castillo still in the bedroom with a bloody knife next to him.

"Kent county undersheriff Bryan Muir called the suspect a 'monster.'

"the 11-year-old is expected to survive her injuries.

"investigators say there is no connection between Castillo and the homeowners or the girl who was stabbed. [N.S.: correction: or the girl whom he stabbed.]

"the assault with intent to murder charge carries a maximum sentence of life in prison.

"Castillo also faces a count of illegal entry for a separate incident in Rockford within a few hours of the stabbing."

GRA: Hideous that this potus is not only allowing, but backing the spic invasion.


happy juneteenth!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 09:47:35 PM EDT

Subject: happy juneteenth!

To the greek coast guard: “keep up the good work”

By Jerry PDX
monday, june 17, 2024 at 11:24:00 p.m. edt
I say to the greek coast guard: “Keep up the good work.”

Notice the article cites stats about how many of these invaders drown, like it’s the fault of greece or other european countries. As if all these men getting in leaky, overcrowded boats trying to cross a perilous sea in order to invade countries that they don’t belong in has nothing to do with it.

N.S.: The article’s writer worships colored evil. Therefore, for him, it is the Whites’ fault.

Can you spell e-s-c-a-l-a-t-e? Step by step; slowly it turns… the ukraine can now use U.S. weapons even deeper into russia (pretty much at their discretion)

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, june 19, 2024 at 12:52:00 a.m.

“(zh) US national security advisor Jake Sullivan has said that authorization for the ukrainian use of American weapons for cross-border attacks extends not just to the kharkiv region, but into other russian regions, as well, further escalating [fake president/real gangster Joe] Biden’s initial green light for such offensive operations.

“Blinken in a monday pbs interview told newshour’s Nick Schifrin ‘this is not about geography, it’s about common sense’ and expanded the parameters for using nato-supplied missiles. Watch the exchange below:

“the following is what was said in this opening section of the interview:

“Schifrin: ‘does the agreement that you have made with [the] ukraine to allow [the] ukraine to fire American weapons just over the border into russia at russian forces that are about to attack into [the] ukraine, does that extend beyond the kharkiv region, including into the sumy region, where russian forces have also been targeting [the] ukraine?

“Sullivan: it extends to anywhere that russian forces are coming across the border from the russian side to the ukrainian side to try to take additional ukrainian territory.

“Schifrin: so, that could include the sumy region?

“Sullivan: That’s happened in kharkiv.

“we have seen initial indications that russia has made exploratory moves across in sumy. and so it would apply there as well. this is not about geography. it’s about common sense. if russia is attacking or about to attack from its territory into [the] ukraine, it only makes sense to allow [the] ukraine to hit back against the forces that are hitting it from across the border.

“that’s when the interviewer pointed out the obvious—that this policy will lead to open-ended and uncontrollable escalation, given it takes away all parameters. ‘of course, russia is attacking [the] ukraine from all parts of russia. why draw the line there?’ Schifrin asked.

“Sullivan at this point essentially gave kiev the greenlight [sic] to attack a much more expanded area inside russia. ‘well, first, we are permitting ukrainian forces to attack russian forces using russia as a sanctuary in the areas where on the battlefield they are attacking from inside russia with artillery, with other ground-based munitions,’ Biden’s top security official said.

“and what’s more is that when asked about f-16s, Sullivan affirmed that [the] ukraine can use the US-made jets to attack russia.

GRA: Can you spell e-s-c-a-l-a-t-e?


"nyc gun [sic, black and hispanic] gun violence spikes by whopping 50% as summer heat [sic] hits the five boroughs"

By N.S.

"nyc gun [sic] violence spikes by whopping 50% as summer heat [sic] hits the five boroughs"

"nypd stats show that shootings in the five boroughs jumped by 50% over last year in the past week, with the number of shooting victims up by an even wider..."

“nyc gun violence spikes as summer heat hits the five boroughs: ‘It’s that time of the year’”

I was going to ask how many euphemisms are in the headline, but the post's Gauleiter blocked me from commenting, from the get-go: "LOG IN TO COMMENT."

Blocking commenters is why the pc daily has only 96 comments in five-and-a-half hours.

black US embassy worker assaulted in kiev

By R.C.
tuesday, june 18, 2024 at 11:07:20 p.m. edt

black US embassy worker assaulted in kiev

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

21-year-old graduates from statutory rape to murder; vic fails to graduate from eighth grade at 15

By N.S.

"15-year-old allegedly killed by boyfriend, 21, hours before her eighth grade graduation"

"Ahliana Dickey, 15, was found dead from gunshot wounds on friday evening."

river boat tragedy kills 86

By N.S.

supporter of anti-Semitic hate crime hoax Brad Lander set to challenge noi mayor Eric Adams

By N.S.

"nyc comptroller Brad Lander set to challenge Adams for mayor, tells key donors he's running: sources"

"with Adams' lagging poll numbers, Brad Lander has been recently lining up support for his bid, sources said."

Maryland cops subsidize muggers

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
tuesday, june 18, 2024 at 09:38:48 p.m. edt

"Maryland police offer free slushies in bizarre bid to combat exploding youth crime rates (video)"

"officers said they observed Munoz's bmw and found a hole in the front passenger windshield, blood, an entire arm in the front passenger seat, and more body matter"

By A Texas Reader
tuesday, june 18, 2024 at 09:47:07 p.m. edt

"during the investigation, officers said they observed Munoz's bmw and found a hole in the front passenger windshield, blood, an entire arm in the front passenger seat, and more body matter."

"'entire arm' found in drunk driver's car after fatal dallas hit-and-run crash: police"

republican-led house passes military draft bill automatically registering men AND WOMEN for the draft

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
tuesday, june 18, 2024 at 09:49:14 p.m. edt

"shock: republican-led house passes military draft bill automatically registering men AND WOMEN for the draft

feds building massive detention facilities in all 50 states to imprison political dissidents

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
tuesday, june 18, 2024 at 09:56:59 p.m. edt

feds building massive detention facilities in all 50 states to imprison political dissidents, documentary claims

nycpd brass praise non-White vigilantes who beat the heck out of new illegal alien rapist (ecuadoran) who victimized 13-year-old asian girl (How do we know they're non-Whites? Because when Whites do the same thing, the nycpd destroys their lives)

By R.C.

"vigilante justice: good samaritans capture suspect in brutal sexual assault of 13-year-old girl"

Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi

Breaking news: Willie Mays, the Say-Hey Kid, dead at 93; he was the greatest player of his era

By N.S.

His most famous catch, in the ninth innng of Game 1 of the 1954 World Series against the Cleveland Indians (Vic Wertz)

Keith "Mex" Hernandez recalled having spent time with Mays on numerous occasions, and his saying that he was sure he had the ball, but wasn't sure how he was going to get it back to the infield. Announcers used to tell stories about Mays all the time, which I hadn't heard in years. One once told of what he thought was Mays' greatest catch. He'd misjudged a screaming line drive, and overran it. It was coming at his left (throwing) hand, and he had the choice of letting it go past him for an extra-base hit, or catching it with his bare hand. He speared it with his bare hand. Willie Mays Career Highlights

Willie Mays' legitimate and illegitimate stats.

Monday, June 17, 2024

"mother and son shot dead at chase bank" in double murder-suicide; they're all the rage, in miami-dade

By N.S.

Yet another racist attack on Caitlin Clark?!

mass shooting in texas leaves at least six shot, three dead

By A Texas Reader
monday, june 17, 2024 at 08:59:20 a.m. edt

Reports suggest a single gunman opened fire with an automatic weapon at the event in Old Settlers Park. At least six people have been shot, including two children. All of the victims have serious injuries, and there are reports of three fatalities.

I never get invited to the best parties.

Now I know why.

being born bad: the "evils of Whiteness"

By Merlin
monday, june 17, 2024 at 10:54:41 a.m. edt

being born bad: the "evils of Whiteness"

the smithsonian on the evils of "Whiteness"

the "evils of Whiteness"

"yet another element of the secular religion"

JUN 17
"since conservative organizations aren't engaged in a well-coordinated response to the left's mendaciousness, it signals the left that they can get away with pushing the boundaries even further. like a child testing the resolve of their parents, this will continue until they get appropriate resistance, or they succeed in attaining their goals.
"for a while now their target has been America. since they can't (yet) take that on directly, the left's strategy has been to undermine its pillars (Science, Family, Religion, Freedoms, etc.). In arguably their boldest attack to date, they have been repeatedly proclaiming the incivility and criminality of being white.
"most White people think that this friction is just about racial differences — but they could not be more wrong. racial inequalities, real or imagined, are just a spark to ignite an explosion, to blow up their much bigger target: America.
"simply look at what the leftists (e.g., here) are identifying as evil characteristics of being White, and see how few actually have anything to do with racial injustices. Remember, everything on this list is characterized as being BAD:

The Scientific Method

Objective, rational linear thinking

Quantitative emphasis

Independence and autonomy


Must "do something" about a problematic situation

When taking action, intent counts

Majority rules

Justice based on English common law

Property protection

Respect for authority

Rules for communication are based on the "King's English"

Avoid conflict

Be polite

Holidays based on Christian religions

Primacy of Judeo–Christian traditions

No tolerance for deviation from the single-god concept

Hard work is the key to success (Protestant work ethic #1)

Work before play (Protestant work ethic #2)

Adherence to time schedules

Plan for future

Delayed gratification

Tomorrow will be better

Having a written tradition

A nuclear family (father, mother, 2.3 children is the ideal social unit)

Children should have their own rooms, be independent

Again, we are being advised to discard ALL of the above, simply because they are supposedly "White norms," that non-Whites have been "oppressed" into following.

terrorism? truck smashes through fence, and into multiple, different planes at rocky mountain metropolitan airport in denver today (photos)

By N.S.

newsweek ran an article purportedly to tell us what makes a serial killer, but it left out something crucial

By Jerry PDX
sunday, june 16, 2024 at 10:48:00 p.m. edt

newsweek ran an article purportedly to tell us what makes a serial killer:

Notice anything about the nine they featured in the photos? Around half of all arrested serial killers in the U.S. are black, in the last 15 years or so around 75% of all arrested serial killers are black men, three out of four of the most prolific every in the US are black men (Lonnie Franklin jr., Eugene Coral Watts, and Samuel Little) but the ones in the photo are all White, well, except for “White enough” Ramirez. Author of the article is Monica Sager, sounds like a woke White woman’s name if I ever heard one.

They’re leaving out one of the most important qualities that increase the chance of a man being a serial killer: Being a negro.

N.S.: It’s a disguised press release for a fraudulent book Monica Sager is coming out with soon.

Graphic humor

Re-posted by N.S.

maine is so pervy, including tax-funded housing in portland

By “W”
monday, june 17, 2024 at 12:04:52 p.m. edt

maine is so pervy, including tax-funded housing in portland

while committing a crime, career criminal got himself shot to death; new york daily news headline editor and alleged reporters engage in moral reversal

By N.S.

"man fatally shot in brooklyn had been trying to turn around crime-ridden life"

No, he hadn't. He was a convicted felon packing heat. He was making no effort at all to "turn around" his life of crime.

"the victim, who was out on supervised release after serving more than four years in federal prison in a drug distribution case, was working on putting his life in order as he struggled with an ongoing drug addiction, according to court filings."

The hell, he was.

"ex-con vietnamese jeopardy! champ Winston Nguyen — now teacher at overpriced nyc private school —accused of catfishing minors in explicit photo probe"

Florence Schatz Stoll June 13, 1925 - Nov. 26, 2018; Winston Nguyen was convicted of stealing $300,000 when he worked for Mrs. and Mr. Stoll as a home health aide

Bernard Stoll, July 9, 1921 - Nov. 7, 2019; imagine how long the Stolls would have lived, if not for apartheid!

“ex-con jeopardy! champ Winston Nguyen — now teacher at elite nyc school—accused of catfishing minors in explicit photo probe: sources”

“a jeopardy! champ and math teacher busted in front of students at a swanky brooklyn private school was released without charges -- but hasn't escaped scrutiny as investigators probe accusations he catfished...”

Already during the 1980s, I noticed that employees of overpriced, new york city private schools, or those who sent their kids to them, called them "independent schools." Although the schools were super-private, with iq tests kids had to take years in advance, the snobs were embarassed to call them "private."

Winston Nguyen was convicted of stealing $300,000 from nonagenarian couple Bernard and Florence Stoll

Although Winston Nguyen was a convicted felon with a fondness for bow ties, this should not be taken to signify membership in the bow-tie brigade, the black supremacist murder cult, the nation of islam. When Whites and asians sport bow ties, the accessory has no criminal significance.

"he raped and killed a mother of 5. deport or death penalty?"

Re-posted by N.S.

DP. Then you deport his corpse.

A portrait of two criminals: illegally elected president "John Doe" has to lead fake president/real gangster Joe Biden off stage

By N.S.

"video: Joe Biden freezes at fundraiser, Barack Obama guides him off stage"

"the incident took place following a joint interview with Jimmy Kimmel at the peacock theatre in los angeles"

fake president/real gangster Joe Biden about to announce illegal, unconstitutional "mass amnesty" for illegal aliens, while giving them voter registration forms

By N.S.

chemical agent released at baltimore’s fat, gay nIGFEST causes stampede and several injuries

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, june 16, 2024 at 9:53:00 p.m. edt

GRA: Or was it just Lizzo after eating ribs and ripple?

“(zh) the baltimore city police department is investigating a ‘possible chemical agent’ released at a pride event Saturday evening in the downtown area that sparked a ‘mass exodus.

“local media outlet capital gazette said a ‘possible chemical agent’ and fireworks were released during the baltimore pride parade around 8:30 p.m. local time.

[N.S.: The capital gazette is not a “local media outlet.” It is based in annapolis. That’s why it’s called the capital gazette, and not the baltimore gazette. The local media outlet is the baltimore sun, which owns the gazette. Why would the sun refuse to report on a violent crime committed in baltimore city, and instead leave it to the out-of-town gazette?]

“baltimore police has yet to confirm the type of chemical agent that was released. the combination of the chemical agent and fireworks caused the large crowd to panic, scattering in different directions and resulting in several injuries.

“‘our officers are diligently reviewing the surveillance video to gather all the necessary information and determine the sequence of events,’ said a baltimore police public information officer, Freddie Talbert.”

GRA: A test method to clear out blackies? I like it. Use it at the next nig beach party.


bowling while black (graphic video)

By A Colleague


sunday, june 16, 2024 at 08:27:22 p.m. mdt

Subject: Bowling

I notice the sheboon had to wait for her videographer to catch the play by play.

Bowling while black:

"George Strait's texas show sets attendance record for U.S. concert"

By A Texas Reader
sunday, june 16, 2024 at 07:40:00 p.m. edt

"texas A&M says 110,905 people showed up for George Strait's show at Kyle field show on saturday, breaking a record that has stood for more than 40 years."

N.S.: This news is impossible! Why, everyone knows you can't be successful in entertainment or anything else in a diverse society, unless you endlessly pander to blacks, hispanics, homosexuals, noslems, sexual psychopaths, etc.

George Strait - "Amarillo by Morning" (live from the astrodome)

Sunday, June 16, 2024

The President "says the 'black community' is being hurt by immigrants"

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
sunday, june 16, 2024 at 10:42:29 p.m. edt

"Trump says the 'black community' is being hurt by immigrants"

illegal immigration is extremely regressive.

Why don't "progressives" mention this?

Oh, I know.

Anything that screws over native-born Whites is a good thing.

Got it.

N.S.: I don't care about blacks, but I do care about White native Americans.

black Father's Day Memes

By R.C.
sunday, june 16, 2024 at 10:56:26 p.m. edt

Idea comes from Mark Dice on gab.

Notice the trigger warning?

If you don't see it at first, check under the images tab.

The progressive paradise of portland, oregon unveils its rogues gallery of mayoral candidates

By Jerry PDX
sunday, June 16, 2024 at 7:22:00 p.m. edt

The progressive paradise of portland, oregon unveils its rogues gallery of mayoral candidates:

There are others who have thrown their hat into the ring but these are the “serious” candidates. Check it out: 3 nex, 2 negroes, 1 stripper and a White guy (I’d never heard of) who currently serves on the board of word is bond, a nonprofit geared toward empowering young black men. Tells you all you need to know about him right there.

Gonzales, Rubio, and Mapps are the three highest-profile candidates and one of them will likely win.

Mapps is a blm loving racist who would love nothing better than to be the mayor of a city that is 85% White and screw us every which way he can. Gonzales shouldn’t really count as mex, he looks mighty White to me, probably spanish ancestry only. He’s the most conservative in his campaign rhetoric, so I’ll probably vote for him. Rubio ran as a republican but quickly turned rino and has done nothing but push the woke progressive agenda since getting on the council. I don’t 100% trust Gonzales; he might pull a Rubio when he gets elected to the top political post in the city and reveal himself to be a rino also, but with the selection they always give us, all you can do is swallow hard, vote for the least putrid candidate and hope for the best.

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, june 16, 2024 at 8:14:00 p.m. edt

It should not be allowed, Jerry. In some way, portland should not be allowed to have those kinds of candidates. The people who are allowing 3 spics, two nigs and a traitorous White guy to be your only choices need to be removed. There HAVE to be PLENTY of regular folks who want to stop these anti-normal, anti-White minorities from perpetuating the insanity. As you say,85% of portland is White, so whatever/whoever is allowing these non-Whites to be your only choices is the problem.


16 Types of Dad (Cartoon)

By Reg Caesar (Matt Groening?)

Getting Schooled by an Anonymous “black Woman” Genius

By Nicholas Stix

At the since dormant Website, 100 Reasons to Not Go to Graduate School, I once noted the decline of academic standards in higher ed. A black female responded to me, convinced she was refuting me (she was in some affirmative action program for brain science).

I responded as follows, to a previous writer.

@Lazy, Anon PC November 10, 2010 11:18 AM

How can telling the truth “undercut” one’s “credibility”?

Most colored people admitted to highly selective undergraduate and graduate programs are manifestly unqualified, and are admitted via affirmative action. This has been shown to be the case so many times that if you truly aren’t aware of it, you’re unforgivably ignorant. However, your assumption of the validity of “disparate impact” theory (“underrepresented”) points to dishonesty, rather than ignorance.

Admitting unqualified people dumbs down an institution, as the night follows the day.

As for your scorn of history, the most demanding undergraduate college in American history was the old City College of New York (CCNY), before it was destroyed 40 years ago, in order to admit semi-literate and functionally illiterate blacks and Hispanics. As James Traub observed in his book City on a Hill, most of the brilliant, predominantly Jewish students who attended City during its glory years (and a great many of whom later attended grad school) endured much worse poverty than the overwhelmingly incompetent black and Hispanic students who succeeded them, and who destroyed City.

December 17, 2010 12:50 AM

My comment inspired the following response which, until I read its very last word, I wasn’t even sure was directed at me.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, author, you have not been to graduate school. Pity.
(For the record, I'm a black woman studying computational neuroscience at one of the top 10 medical research schools in the nation (I don't put race on my applications). My father, an immigrant to this country, studied organic chemistry at a graduate level and was associate director of a *very* large pharmaceutical company before retiring. Suck it Nicholas.)

My response follows.

Dear Anonymous “Black Woman” Genius (“ABWG”),

The only reason I am even aware that your post was a “response” to mine is that you insulted me by name, though you neglected to sign your own. An oversight, that, no doubt.

Your post does not respond to a thing I said. Still, I know that you are a genius, because you left no doubt, and because I know that all black women are geniuses, except for those who have either been held back by racist white male morons like me (please pardon the redundancy), and those (e.g., meritocrats and conservatives) who fail to recognize the genius inherent in being a black woman. Ultimately, I know of black women’s genius, because black women constantly announce the fact.

In your meta-parenthetical, ABWG, you maintain that:

1. I have not attended grad school;
2. You pity me;
3. You are a black woman;
4. You are studying computational neuroscience at one of the top 10 medical research schools in the nation;
5. You don't put race on your applications;
6. Your father is an immigrant who studied organic (presumably for a master’s, since you would have said if he’d earned a doctorate), and was an AD at a pharma giant; and
7. You are the offspring of a wealthy family.

Even if I were to believe all of your variously unsupported, erroneous, and disingenuous assertions, none is in the least germane to my comment.

The literature, both scholarly and journalistic, on affirmative action in higher ed is copious. As a smugly superior BWG, surely you must know this.

And yet, if you are such a genius, why would you post a comment that is full of irrelevancies?

On one point, however, I do believe you: You are a black woman. Certain characteristics are typical of BWGs, including but not limited to:

• Responding to arguments they hate with irrelevancies;
• Displaying toxic levels of self-esteem; and
• A willful refusal to distinguish between the individual case and the class.

I look forward to the next time you deign to school me, ABWG.


Nicholas Stix
February 7, 2011 10:40 PM

I have not heard from ABWG since.

happy black father's day! (graphic heartbreak)

By An Old Friend
sunday, june 16, 2024 at 03:12:52 p.m. edt

Happy father's day!

From the rev. Ray Cistman: happy father’s day to all black fathers, wherever they are.

The photo in the lower right corner is a nice touch.

Happy Father's Day!

By Safe Now

i.d. of shooter in splash pad shooting

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, june 16, 2024 at 8:47:00 p.m. edt

GRA: No pics. I googled the name of the perp and the results of pics of other Michael William Nashes are split between blacks and Whites. I lean Whitey here, based on the city, but could be black, just as easily. If White, the randomness WOULD BE accurate.

“(Forbes) Michael William Nash, 42, was identified as the man who opened fire at the brooklands plaza splash pad at around 5 p.m. saturday, multiple outlets reported.

“Nash walked onto the splash pad’s platform and was as close as 20 feet to some victims when he started shooting his 9mm glock, reloading twice and ultimately firing at least 28 rounds, police said.

“victims in the shooting include an 8-year-old boy who is in critical condition after he was shot in the head, cnn reported, as well as his 4-year-old brother who was shot in the leg, 39-year-old mom with wounds to her abdomen and leg and six other victims ranging in age from 30 to 78 who were also shot but in stable condition.

“police arrived at the scene within 2 minutes of the shooting, the detroit free press reported, at which point the suspect had left and police descended upon his home.

“Nash, who had no criminal history, was found dead inside his home from what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound and police said they found a semi-automatic rifle on Nash’s kitchen table.

“no motive has been determined in what police called a ‘random’ attack and the shooter has no known connection to any of the victims.”


N.S.: No perp pic says black. Sailer law says black. Description of shooting as “random,” says black. No priors says White, although black criminals are increasingly being issued so many free crimes that we hear that they have “no priors,” no matter what.

How does the saying go, in these cases? “Always bet on black.” I’ll go with black.

the raceless celebrate “juneteenth” the only way they know how: by killing people; “juneteenth” celebration results in two nig naps and multiple, non-fatal gunshots in round rock, texas; police chief is bLACK

“‘leadership’? congoid females take a fall.”

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, june 16, 2024 at 11:13:00 a.m. edt

GRA: A town like round rock has a black chief, too? What’s wrong with everyone to allow only blacks to lead a police department?

“round rock, texas (kxan) — two people are dead and multiple others were injured after a shooting at a juneteenth celebration in texas.

“police in round rock, a city located less than 20 miles north of Austin, said the shooting began just before 11 p.m. at old settlers park after a fight between two groups [English translation: gangs] who were at the juneteenth event.

“the unfortunate part is that we had innocent victims as a result of this reckless actions of certain subjects,’ police chief Allen Banks said during a media briefing. ‘We’re here to celebrate juneteenth and the unfortunate part is these folks could care less about someone’s life and take someone’s life and on a day we’re here to celebrate community.

[N.S.: “Community”? What sort of “community” might they be celebrating? Anti-White community. The only community they have is their genocidal hatred of Whites.]

“two were pronounced dead.”


Can one identify as black? Edward Dutton asks some californian teenagers (brief video)

Re-posted by N.S.

I have heard countless "experts" insist, "There's no such thing as race."

That is, when they're not insisting that race is the most important thing in the world.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

"leadership"? congoid females take a fall

By "W"
saturday, june 15, 2024 at 04:46:31 p.m. edt

"leadership"? congoid females take a fall

White girls selling lemonade robbed by congoid (1.30 minute video report)

By "W"
saturday, june 15, 2024 at 04:53:45 p.m. edt

White girls selling lemonade robbed by congoid (1.30 minute video report)

hadn't seen this until today. lessons for everyone

shooter wounded or slaughtered at least 5, possibly 10, at michigan water park today

By N.S.

"at least 5 shot at michigan water park in ‘active shooter situation’"

"gunfire erupted at the brooklands plaza splash pad in rochester hills -- about 28 miles from downtown detroit -- around 5 p.m."

Seattle to allow illegals to join police department

By R.C.
saturday, june 15, 2024 at 08:04:54 p.m. edt

"Seattle to allow illegals to join police department"

I hope the chinese and russians team up to level Seattle.

"man killed, child wounded during sporting event at potomac high school"

saturday, june 15, 2024 at 08:06:34 p.m. edt

"man killed, child injured during sporting event at potomac high school, police say"

“It’s the blecks,” said the South African.

Breaking news: Defund the police! nycpd cop let new venezuelan illegals carjack him tonight, and slap his fancy gun out of his hand!

By N.S.

"migrants [sic] rob off-duty nypd officer's personal car at gunpoint: sources"

"two armed men believed to be venezuelan migrants [sic] robbed an nypd officer’s car in manhattan on friday night, according to law enforcement sources."

heaven can wait: moslems and youtube

saturday, june 15, 2024 at 10:05:27 p.m. edt

heaven can wait: moslems and youtube

Mike Adams on the las vegas shooting

saturday, June 15, 2024 at 09:06:39 PM EDT

Mike Adams on the Las Vegas shooting

Blogger Mindy Robinson lives in Las Vegas.

She remembers the Las Vegas shooting.

She made a documentary about it.

Did you know that witnesses to the shooting gave their mobile phones to the FBI?

The FBI then returned the phones.

Owners found out later that the FBI had wiped the phones clean.

Oh yeah, did you know that one of the "heroes" at the concert commandeered a vehicle from a nearby dealership?

The brand new vehicle just so happened to have a set of car keys in the ignition.

Gee, what are the odds of a "hero" solder discovering such a vehicle in the heat of the moment?

Ask the Pentagon.

Better still, ask the over 500,000 dead Iraqis who were victims of "missing weapons of mass destruction."

Or ask Qaddafi.

Or any dead Syrian.


A cowardly Las Vegas cop who admitted that he froze in a hallway while responding to the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history has been fired, department officials said. Officer Cordell Hend…
Since when do cops "freeze in fear"?

Oh, merely the dozens of heavily armed cops in Uvalde.

Cops who were clad in body armor.

Cops who were facing an 18-year-old armed "tranny."

One who had no weapons training, unlike the cops.

And one who allegedly purchased an arsenal of weapons on the Internet.

While working a part-time, minimum wage job at a hamburger joint in Uvalde, Texas, a poor ranching town.

By the way, have any ballistics tests been released from the Uvalde shooting?   Any autopsy reports?  Any photos of the autopsy?


And they never will be.

As they don't exist.

Or how about the incident a few years ago at the synagogue in Southlake?

The alleged "terrorist" somehow made it all the way from the UK to Southlake, Texas, even though he was on terrorist watch list.

I cannot get through airport security in an expeditious fashion, but folks on terrorist watch lists can travel freely halfway around the globe.

And what about the neo-Nazi "white supremacist" shooter at the outlet mall in suburban Allen, Texas?

For one thing, he was a mestizo and not white.

And neo-Nazi?

You mean like Jeb!'s son?

George P. Bush is an ardent supporter of La Raza.

La Raza means "The Race."

La Raza's Mexican founder was a Nazi sympathizer.

Oh yeah, only one official video of the Allen incident exists.

Even though the Allen outlet mall was crowded with hundreds of shoppers the day of the shooting.

And the "hero" cop of Allen?

A negro cop whose name and photo have never been released.

How do I know the cop is a negro?

From the POV video allegedly recorded by the Negro cop's body worn camera.

Why do folks in this country believe in false flags?