Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Fw: Prosecutors in Orange County allege the men — who are Romanian nationals believed to be in the U.S. illegally with alleged ties to Romanian organized crime groups — have also committed similar crimes beyond the Southern California region.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 10:46:43 PM EDT

Prosecutors in Orange County allege the men — who are Romanian nationals believed to be in the U.S. illegally with alleged ties to Romanian organized crime groups — have also committed similar crimes beyond the Southern California region.

Prosecutors charged two men who allegedly posed as ICE agents while targeting Hispanic residents with hate crimes.

“targeted: dhs intelligence group views Trump supporters, military members, and religious Americans as 'domestic terrorism threats'”

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
wednesday, june 26, 2024 at 10:54:37 p.m. edt

“targeted: dhs intelligence group views Trump supporters, military members, and religious Americans as 'domestic terrorism threats'”

"By the Way, Sen. Joe McCarthy was Right": Monica Crowley Praises One of America's Greatest Heroes (Video)

Re-posted by N.S.

'By the Way, Sen. Joe McCarthy was Right': Monica Crowley Goes Viral Praising Controversial [sic] Senator"

"Controversial"? What a republican way to speak of Tailgunner Joe.

45,477 views jun 21, 2024
"at the faith and freedom coalition conference in Washington, D.C., conservative commentator Monica Crowley praised the late Sen. Joe McCarthy (R-WI), which ultimately went viral.

Gerrie judges issue free gang-rapes to jihadis, but convicted a German girl who criticized the moslem gang-rapists of "offending" them

Re-posted by N.S.

Love amid a Holocaust: Soylent Green (1973), a Review by Nicholas Stix

During the late 1960s, a onetime movie star (The Greatest Show on Earth 1952, The Ten Commandments 1956, Ben-Hur 1959) rescued his career (or his agent did), by starring in a series of brilliant science fiction pictures. I say that as someone who is no fan of the genre. (For my money, the greatest s-f picture ever was Thea von Harbou and Fritz Lang’s Metropolis, from 1927, which can be seen at WEJB/NSU for free, and without commercial interruption.)

That man’s name was Charlton “Chuck” Heston.

Soylent Green Opening

The three brilliant s-f movies were Planet of the Apes (1968), which is up there with Metropolis; The Omega Man (1971; which was re-made in 2007 as I am Legend), and this one.

Soylent Green is set in 2023 in New York City. The Earth is overheated with two many people living amid grinding poverty, food shortages, squalor and heat.

When Detective Thorn (Heston) leaves the apartment he shares with Sol Roth (Edward G. Robinson), the friend who is like an uncle to him, he has to climb over dozens of people sleeping on the sweltering stairs.

The food supply is provided by Soylent Corp. A member of its board of directors William R. Simonson (Joseph “King” Cotten) has been murdered. It appears to have been a burglary gone wrong, but the investigator, Detective Thorn (Heston), sent to clear the case, knows better.

It was a planned murder made to look like a break-in.

The other directors at Soylent concluded that Simonson had become “unreliable.”

Simonson lived in a luxurious, “furnished” apartment building. “Furniture” meant both in the traditional sense, and in the sense of the sex slave that comes with each apartment. Beautiful Shirl (Leigh Taylor-Young) was the “furniture” that came with Simonson’s apartment, and who will serve the next tenant, as well.

Shirl seduces Detective Thorn into staying with her by offering him a hot shower, which he hasn’t had in years.

Thorn also scavenged whatever he could find in the apartment, like the first fresh, real steak he’d seen years, for him and Sol.

Det. Thorn: “I know, Sol, you’ve told me a hundred times before. People were better, the world was better…

Sol: “Aw, nuts, people were always lousy... But there was a world, once.

[Thorn chuckles]

• Sol: “I was there, I can prove it! When I was a kid, you could buy meat anywhere! Eggs they had, real butter! Not this... crap!”
This passage reminds me of the first time I visited East Berlin, in September, 1980. I bought bitter-sweet chocolate, which in West Germany was legally required to contain over 50% cocoa. But this crap contained no cocoa at all! Likewise, the “coffee” was coffee-free. The “Orangensaft” (orange juice) contained no oranges. It was 100% artificial, and looked and tasted like Tang. The only thing that was even partially real was a juice made out of some sort of berries I’d never heard of, Antonsaft, because the communist party was having its party convention, and it had to put on a nice face.

Sol is pushing Thorn to solve the Simonson murder.

Thorn: “Why should I investigate this case?”

Sol: “Because it’s your job, and because you love me.”
Thorn and Shirl have had sex perhaps twice, but it wasn’t just sex. He tells her the new tenant ought to be alright. But that’s not what she wants. She’s already fallen in love with Thorn.
Shirl: “I don’t want to live with him. I want to live with you!”

Thorn: “Live!”
The thing about the scenes with Heston and Robinson is that, although when the latter says “because you love me” he says it with a wry smile, they’re not acting.

Those scenes are suffused with real love.

I don’t know how long Chuck Heston and Edward G. Robinson had known each other, but the latter was dying of cancer while they made this movie, and the former clearly knew it.

When the Motion Picture Academy learned that Robinson was dying, its bosses decided to issue him an honorary Oscar at the next presentation, but old Emanuel Goldenberg (1893-1973), one of the greatest actors to never get nominated (ditto for King Cotten, 1905-1994) didn’t last long enough. His widow accepted the little man in his absence.

The movie is suffused with Holocaust symbolism, which was common at the time, but here it is appropriate.

Cool Hand Luke (1967) also had allusions to the Shoah, but there it was inappropriate. When one of the prison guards takes Luke (Paul Newman) to “the box” (solitary), even though he hasn’t done anything wrong, the guard says he’s “just following orders,” to which Luke says, “But that don’t make it right.”

(Luke is a Top 100 masterpiece, but in spite of its Holocaust nonsense, not because of it.)

In a fit of shameless moral triumphalism, after we beat the Nazis in The War, we declared that following orders was evil. As my first philosophy professor, Richard Magagna at Sullivan County Community College observed, we destroyed over 2,000 years of the stoic military order.

However, Soylent Green is about an ongoing Holocaust. And so, Robinson, who rarely played Jews, played one here. And he is a member of a group of Jewish archivists, who maintain the last library of reliable information. (The “library” is so tiny as to be smaller than my own private library.) Most of the archivists are old Jewish ladies, with a woman who runs the group like a biblical chief judge.

super catch by o's fan (video)

By "W"
wednesday, june 26, 2024 at 03:57:00 p.m. edt

super catch by O's fan

Meet Christina Petersen--judge Christina Petersen, black supremacist and batterer of policemen (video)

Re-posted by N.S.

See Steve Sailer's two-hour interview with Tucker Carlson (video)

Re-posted by N.S.

See the mugs of the Nashville, would-be cop-killer gang: the five raceless, faceless, nameless perps now have races, faces, and names!

[“five raceless, faceless, nameless perps saw a detective investigating a crime, so they fired dozens of rounds, trying to kill him, setting off a wild chase into the next county.”]

By Anonymous
wednesday, june 26, 2024 at 5:54:00 p.m. edt

The story has been updated with the suspects’ photos. four are black, and one is White. I commend wkrn for letting the public know the whole truth.

"Eric O. Mario, 23, of Sanborn drive, who is believed to have been the driver"

• "Mahamed M. Muganga, 18, of university court"

• "Abraham G. Mario, 19, of galaxie drive"

"Omar A. Yussuf, 18, of north 6th street"

• "Ronny I. Edmonds, 19, of Jay street"

racist, criminal, bLACK low-life—pardon my redundancy!—Jamaal Bowman (zanu-pf, hamas sympathizer), voted out of office in ny primary tuesday

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, june 26, 2024 at 12:05:00 p.m. edt

“(Breitbart) rep. Jamaal Bowman’s (d-ny) career in congress will end after a single term, following a series of anti-Semitic controversies and a capitol stunt resulting in his criminal conviction.

“westchester county executive George Latimer defeated Bowman tuesday night in the most expensive house race in history. adimpact estimated the two camps spent a total of $23 million on the [zanu-pf] democrat primary, according to filings compiled by opensecrets.

“the race was called for Latimer less than a half hour after polls closed.

“the primary in new york’s 16th congressional district centered around a referendum on Israel-“palestinian” policy and drew significant national attention. Bowman, the progressive former middle school principal and member of ‘the squad,’ represented the insurgent hamas sympathizer wing of the [zanu- pf] democrat party, while Latimer, supported by the pro-Israel lobby, condemned hamas’s attack on Israel.

“Bowman opposes Israel’s [self-defense] military operations in gaza, while Latimer has not called for a ceasefire but supports a two-state solution. “additionally, Bowman had denied hamas raped women during the october 7, 2023, terrorist attack on Israel (he apologized under immense political pressure) and ridiculed another house member for hosting Jewish leaders, among other instances, which drew accusations of anti-Semitism.

“those were not the only controversies to overwhelm Bowman.

“Jamaal Bowman pleaded guilty in october 2023 to one misdemeanor for falsely pulling a fire alarm in a congressional office building a month prior, just as lawmakers were about to vote on a short-term government funding measure to avoid a government shutdown.”


"‘predator with a badge’: mexican arcola police officer gets 20 years in federal prison for raping woman while on duty (google doesn't want you to see this!)

By A Texas Reader
monday, june 24, 2024 at 10:04:35 p.m. edt

"'predator with a badge': mexican former arcola police officer gets 20 years in federal prison for raping woman while on duty"

"'predator with a badge': former arcola police officer gets 20 years in federal prison for raping woman while on duty

"a 29-year-old former arcola police department officer was sentenced to a total of 20 years in federal prison for obstruction of justice and violation of civil rights, U.S. attorney Alamdar S. Hamdani announced monday."

"There are jobs that Americans won't do."

My google minder has been back up to his mischief, of late, but at unusual hours. When I first tried to post this, at 5:32 p.m., google showed it as a "draft" in my publications list, but when I again sought to publish it, it showed "preview" and "update." But how could I "update" a "draft"? It's impossible. So, I added the parenthetical now in the title, and was able to publish it. What's next?

newly elected south african democrat mp openly calls for the genocide of White south africans (brief video)

Re-posted by N.S.


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

"newborn dies after california gay dads leave her in hot car 'for hours' only two months after adoption"

By R.C.
monday, june 24, 2024 at 11:38:16 p.m. edt

home-oh-sex-you-ale-ity is completely normal.

Yep, normal.

And let's not overlook the motherly (sic) instinct of the "wife" in the relationship.

missouri ag blocks Biden’s student loan forgiveness

By A Texas Reader
monday, june 24, 2024 at 11:40:27 p.m. edt

And I thought Ken Paxton was pugnacious.

I guess ag Bailey should be called "Battlin' Bailey."

It's all in the family: "firstly, police say they arrested 46-year-old Luis G. Noyola and charged him in the murder of his father, 88-year-old Francisco Javier Noyola, and brother, 51-year-old Lucio Noyola..."

By A Texas Reader
tuesday, june 25, 2024 at 10:04:25 p.m. edt

"Firstly, police say they arrested 46-year-old Luis G. Noyola and charged him in the murder of his father, 88-year-old Francisco Javier Noyola, and brother, 51-year-old Lucio Noyola. the charges are connected to the double homicide on the 1100 block of Wof..."

"Las Cruces police: man killed father, brother with a hammer"

"update (june 24, 2024): Las Cruces police just identified several people allegedly involved in the double homicides. firstly, police say they arrested 46-year-old Luis G. Noyola and charged him in the murder of his father, 88-year-old Francisco Javier Noyola, and brother, 51-year-old Lucio Noyola. the charges are connected to the double homicide on the 1100

"fbi raids oakland home tied to campaign contribution-laundering scheme: high-profile political connections including Biden, Harris, Newsom, Bonta, and Becerra under scrutiny"

By R.C.
tuesday, june 25, 2024 at 10:15:22 p.m. edt

"fbi raids oakland home tied to campaign contribution-laundering scheme: high-profile political connections including Biden, Harris, Newsom, Bonta, and Becerra under scrutiny"

Either the fbi is collecting evidence for trial purposes.

Or collecting evidence to bury it.

"funny car explosion at 300 mph has drag racing legend John Force hospitalized"

By R.C.
tuesday, june 25, 2024 at 11:33:02 p.m. edt

Seventy-five years old and still racing funny cars.

Not bad for a former long haul trucker.

Must be that White privilege.

By the way, one of Force's daughters is married to the son of racecar driver Bobby Rahal.

One of the usual suspects drove to a mesquite business, and shot its owner to death, and then drove to a dallas business a day later, and shot its owner to death (mug shot)

By A Texas Reader
tuesday, june 25, 2024 at 10:21:26 p.m. edt

"police said the caller told dispatch that a man entered a business and started to shoot. when officers arrived, they found 60-year-old Muhammad Hussain of Carrollton with mulitple [sic] gunshot wounds. he was pronounced dead at an area hospital."

"Davonta Mathis, 21, faces murder charges in dallas and mesquite"

violent, sexual psychopath pays a fatal price after marching toward denver police officers and threatening them with a knife (video)

By R.C.
tuesday, june 25, 2024 at 10:41:16 p.m. edt

"the person killed in the shooting was 52-year-old Miguel Tapia. police identified Tapia as transgender."

"violent transgender person pays a fatal price after marching toward denver police officers and threatening them with a knife (video)"

Joe Rogan exposes the mysterious murder of Seth Rich and its ties to the dnc

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
tuesday, june 25, 2024 at 11:18:45 p.m. edt

Joe Rogan exposes the mysterious murder of Seth Rich and its ties to the dnc

Yeah, it never passed the smell test.

Shot in the back at like 4:30 a.m.?

Not buying it.

Even the blacks aren't awake at that hour, unless they've been doing meth all night.

"‘lol… no’: oakland mayor blames ‘radical right-wing forces’ after fbi raid on her home"

By N.S.

five raceless, faceless, nameless perps saw a detective investigating a crime, so they fired dozens of rounds, trying to kill him, setting off a wild chase into the next county

By Anonymous
tuesday, june 25, 2024 at 6:06:00 p.m. edt

Look at that. Five suspects arrested for shooting at a detective investigating a crime. Many shots fired as all the shell casings can attest to, followed by a high-speed chase. The chase crossed a county line, and several guns and drugs were eventually seized, after the inevitable foot chase in the woods after the adjacent county put down spike strips.

Everything is reported, except their names and pictures. You know, someone might recognize a picture and report a couple of these guys for other crimes, once they could put a name with the face like assault, sexual assault, robbery or rape. These types of criminals are usually only known by their street names, even to each other in many cases.

This was a story in tennessee, where woke nonsense isn't readily accepted, but corporate newsrooms of local affiliates attempt to impose.

"'man' tried to drown twin toddlers at connecticut beach," asserting it was due to finding mother's "witchcraft materials"

By N.S.


cnn slaps gag order on the President ahead of debates!

By N.S.

"chicago morning news: illegal aliens carjack illegal alien outside illegal alien shelter"

By "W"
tuesday, june 25, 2024 at 11:47:49 a.m. edt

"chicago morning news: illegal aliens carjack illegal alien outside illegal alien shelter"

sign of the times:

What the hell is wrong with blacks? Meet the other Erick Adams, mass murderer (No word on whether he's also noi)

By Merlin
tuesday, june 25, 2024 at 05:47:31 p.m. edt

What the hell is wrong with blacks?

The constant murders of other blacks as well as people of other races goes unexplained and unaddressed. People are afraid to address what we see on our screens every day. Afraid of a word. Afraid of being called a name. What pansies we are, with murder and mayhem in our midst.

Read on.

"a gunman killed five people and critically injured [sic] a teenager in shootings at two apartments in nevada, authorities said. police launched a manhunt for..."

feds probing use by illegally elected, nation of islam mayor Eric Adams of private email server, missing emails and trips to red china

By N.S.

"feds probing Eric Adams' use of private email server, missing emails and trips to china"

"both the fbi and manhattan federal prosecutors have flagged at least one trip taken by Adams that was partly funded by the chinese communist party when he headed the brooklyn..."

racist newsroom pioneer William A. “Bill” Hilliard perverted the oregonian, turned the daily from a newspaper to an anti-newspaper and, as a career criminal, was an accessory in thousands of violent crimes

[“publisher Lachlan Murdoch, editor-in-chief KeithPoole, and three others at the new york post, and Alesia Cullen at abc news, have all won a major journalism award, with more awardees possibly to come!”]

By Jerry PDX
tuesday, june 25, 2024 at 11:24:00 p.m. edt

First black editor of the oregonian was William A. Hilliard, who retired in 1994 and died in 2017.

The media sang his praises after his death about how he “broke” barriers, suffered from horrifying racism his entire life (BS), yada yada...but what I will always remember him most for is that he is the editor that instituted the policy of not reporting the race of suspects in crimes. It was quite controversial at the time and provoked a heated debate, even the local media addressed the issue.

That is in marked contrast to nowadays where the subject comes up on listener comments and such but the mainstream media is notably silent. In the article the oregonian ran after his death they devoted one paragraph to the issue:
“within the paper, Hilliard pushed to change the way minority communities were covered and described. reporters had routinely written that police were looking for a suspect described as ‘a 6-foot black man.’ Hilliard said the description was so generic that it was useless, and only served to perpetuate stereotypes.”
I couldn’t find anything else about Hilliard and his racist bias online but remember the arguments back in the day that went on over this. Hilliard was being dishonest and disingenuous here because before Hilliard the paper gave you the best available information, they’d post a composite if they could and give you as much detail about the perp as possible. But sometimes all a person had was sketchy details in which race was the most obvious and easy descriptor they could supply. If the perp was black, then the description eliminated 95% of the population which narrowed things down and increased the chance you could apprehend him, or her.

But Hilliard didn’t care. Like all black supremacists today, he sympathized with his “brothas” & “sistas,” no matter how heinous and evil they were. He wanted to camouflage the disproportionate amount of crime his brethren committed, especially sexually-related offenses.

I remember one incident in particular the oregonian ignored. A young woman was brutally gang-raped by four negroes downtown around 1980 or so. She went directly to the Oregon Journal, a local paper that was a rival to the Oregonian for a while. She told the reporters that she knew the oregonian wouldn’t report her story but knew that the Journal would. She told what happened in harrowing detail, and told exactly what they looked like, which enabled the police to apprehend them. The oregonian, with Hilliard at the helm, would never have done that. The Journal went defunct not long after that incident. It just wasn’t toeing the line for politically correct reporting and lost its advertising base. What I remember is that the oregonian refused to report the story at all, even with race-sanitized details. There were stories of rapes by negroes but Hilliard had a quota on how many the paper would report, so as not to “stereotype.” Makes me wonder how much this stuff happened back then, or even now, that we don’t even hear about.

It seems almost surreal to think that there was a time media outlet heads like Hilliard would actually address the subject of race-omission but nowadays, as we know, the likes of Hilliard just do it and don’t respond to any questions as to why. They’ve learned that they are in a position of power to do whatever they please and push their woke politics on the world with no need to justify.

N.S.: When I wrote, in my hed, that William Hilliard “was an accessory in thousands of violent crimes,” I was talking about what Jerry PDX wrote. When Hilliard ordered his reporters and editors to cease and desist from physically describing criminals, he did so, in order to aid and abet black criminals, who then had many more opportunities to commit crimes. That made him an accessory after the fact, i.e., a criminal, as well. It also made him an accessory before the fact, as Whites traveled with their guards down (which Hilliard wanted), and were more easily victimized by portland’s racist, black thugs.

Media operatives consider themselves “allies” of black and hispanic criminals, deliberately aid and abet them, while deliberately harming innocent Whites, and thus are criminals.

A specific strategy these criminals use was also cited by Jerry: lying, and saying that police would typically provide a description that was “generic,” and thus of no value. First of all, the example Hilliard gave, of a “6-foot black man,” anything but generic. The typical black man is not six feet tall. Plus, the victim would tell police things about the perp’s face, distinguishing marks, voice, etc.

Yesterday, the new york post initially aided and abetted a black, would-be alleged rapist. Outrage by the few readers whose comments the pc daily’s Gauleiter permitted through, persuaded its publisher Lachlan Murdoch and editor-in-chief Keith Poole to permit the suspect’s physical description to be added in a revised version, though they lied, in refusing to note that the story had been updated.

We’ll never know how many people have been murdered, due to such accessories.

Monday, June 24, 2024

publisher Lachlan Murdoch, editor-in-chief Keith Poole, and three others at the new york post, and Alesia Cullen at abc news, have all won a major journalism award, with more awardees possibly to come!

By Nicholas Stix

new york post publisher Lachlan Murdoch, editor Keith Poole, and reporters Larry Celona, Joe Marino and Amanda Woods, and abc news editor-in-chief Alesia Cullen, and other John and Jane Does at abc news and the new york post win major journalism award!

The Duranty-Blair Award recognizes those journalists whose work embodies the spirit of Walter Duranty and Jayson Blair, two of the most notorious scoundrels in the history of the Fourth Estate. It is no accident that both men worked for the new york times.

Today, in a secluded section of central park, a black man app. six-feet tall and in his thirties, with a medium build, allegedly attempted to rape a female sunbather. The original new york post “thing,” on the crime, with a time mark of 5:02 p.m., withheld the police description of the alleged attacker, and blocked or deleted the vast majority of reader commenters.

After most reader-commenters complained vociferously about the Gauleiter’s censorship, editor Keith Poole, or his deputy revised the story, but without acknowledging that he had done so. The time-mark remained at 5:02 p.m.

At abc news philadelphia, the story on the same alleged crime initially referred to the alleged perp having “pearly hair,” which can still be seen on google, and later was changed to “curly hair,” as if the perp were Jewish, hispanic, italian, whatever.

To those thinking, “Yeah, but they started hiding race years ago,” they have to stop, and we have to make them stop.

Although I have often meant to issue many more D-Bs since 2018, amid the constant blizzard of fraudulent scribbling, thanks to “j-schools,” which only exist, in order to cull students showing any decent and honest tendencies from the so-called news business, and racial socialist newsroom enforcers, in which only the exceptional piece of media stuff does not deserve a D-B, I have frequently neglected to do so. However, as abitrary as the business may have become, I still must issue these rasberries.

Walter Duranty wrote a series of early 1930s dispatches from the Soviet Union, where he was times Moscow bureau chief, in which he lied about the Ukrainian Holocaust, in which Stalin deliberately starved millions of Kulaks (farmers/peasants) to death, through a man-made famine. Instead of reporting the truth, Duranty reported that the peasants were happy and well-fed, and was rewarded for his lies with a Pulitzer Prize.

Jayson Blair (here, here, and here) was an early 2000s black affirmative action hire, who alternately plagiarized reporters at other newspapers, and fabricated articles out of whole cloth, all for stories set hundreds and even thousands of miles away, while he sat in New York City cafés.

Previous Duranty-Blair winners are:

CBS News producer Mary Mapes in 2004;

Seven reporters and editors at the New Orleans Times-Picayune in 2006;

ABC News reporter Brian Ross in 2012;

Peter Berger (not the brilliant sociologist), of The American Interest, in 2013;

Associated Press operative Tom Hays, in 2014;

New York Times operative Farhad Manjoo in September, 2016;

CNN’s Symone Sanders (2), Don Lemon, and Kate Bolduan (2) (P.S. and Jeff Zucker [5]), in November 2016;

New York Times Propaganda Officer Francis X. Clines in March 2017;

CNN Activist Jim Sciutto, in May 2017;

Associated Press “Reporter” Duncan Mansfield (posthumous), in September 2017;

CBS Sports operative Jack Maloney, Chairman Sean McManus, and President David Berson, in October 2017;

Associated Press operative Julie Pace, in October 2017;

Associated Press Executive Editor Sally Buzbee and Managing Editor Brian Carovillano, in November 2017;

New York Times Operatives Richard Fausset (Alleged Reporter), Executive Editor Dean Baquet, and Managing Editor Joseph Kahn,” in December 2017;

Foreign Policy’s Max Boot, Jonathan Tepperman, and Ben Pauker, in January 2018;

Sports “Reporter” Les Carpenter, January 6, 2018;

People Magazine “Reporter” Steve Helling and Editor Jess Cagle, August 3, 2018;

Vanity Fair’s William D. Cohan and Graydon Carter, August 13, 2018;

Vox Media Gang Member Zack Beauchamp, August 13, 2018;

Politico Gang Member Daniel Lippman, September 18, 2018;

CNN’s Manu Raju (and Jeff Zucker), on October 13, 2018;

CNN’s Ana Cabrera, Marc Lamont Hill, and Zucker on October 18, 2018;

CNN’s Kirsten Powers and Jeff Zucker, and USA Today’s Nicole Carroll, on October 27, 2018;

Seven at the new criterion and pj media, on January 22, 2024;

Two at deadspin and six at variety, on March 12, 2024.

Julian Assange is set free--heading home to australia, after deal with doj

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, june 24, 2024 at 9:57:00 p.m. edt

Julian Assange is set free--heading home to australia, after deal with doj

"update (2124 et): wikileaks has released its first footage showing Julian Assange as a free man, emerging from Belmarsh prison looking triumphant and joyous, and soon after boarding a plane to his native australia..."

"below is the official statement from wikileaks:

"Julian Assange is free Julian Assange is free Julian Assange is free. he left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 june, after having spent 1901 days there. He was granted bail by the high court in london and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the uk. this is the result of a global campaign that spanned grass-roots organisers, press freedom campaigners, legislators and leaders from across the political spectrum, all the way to the united nations.

"this created the space [?] for a long period of negotiations with the US department of justice, leading to a deal that has not yet been formally finalised. We will provide more information as soon as possible. after more than five years in a 2x3 metre cell, isolated 23 hours a day, he will soon reunite with his wife Stella Assange, and their children, who have only known their father from behind bars.

"wikileaks published groundbreaking stories of government corruption and human rights abuses, holding the powerful accountable for their actions. as editor-in-chief, Julian paid severely for these principles, and for the people's right to know. as he returns to australia, we thank all who stood by us, fought for us, and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom. Julian's freedom is our freedom."

GRA: I have to be honest and say, I've read about this for years and don't have a clue about the whys and wherefores. Why he was wanted, or anything else. But good for him.


abc noise: we’re going to have fun with, and make fun of our audience, by being as confusing and dishonest as possible, about the appearance of the would-be central park rapist!

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, june 24, 2024 at 8:13:00 p.m. edt

abc says the perp had “pearly hair” (whatever that means).

“(abc) police described the suspect as a man in his 30s, about six feet tall, with a medium build and pearly hair, wearing a light-colored shirt and shorts.

“police say the victim will be working with a sketch artist to get an image of the suspect released out to the public.”

GRA: Never heard of “pearly hair”—was it an oyster from mexico that did it?


What a difference... 50 years make!

[“Meanwhile, over in another Montgomery (alabama), lucky 13 are wounded at overnight (nEGRO) ‘party’ (Sailer law in operation).”]

By AbolishTenure
monday, june 24, 2024 at 8:32:00 p.m. edt

Fifty years makes a difference

"Lord, I'm coming home to you
"Yea, yea Montgomery's got the answer

- "Sweet Home Alabama, Lynyrd Skynyrd, 1974"

Fifty years ago TODAY, in fact.

Silver Age Television

With the big flag in the background!

Who is the accessory? The media, the cops, or the vic? “‘no description sicko’ remains uncaptured in nyc after attempted rape in central park, of sunbather”

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, june 24, 2024 at 6:53:00 p.m. edt

“(ny post) sicko tries to rape central park sunbather in broad daylight before her screams send creep running”

By Larry Celona, Joe Marino and Amanda Woods
“published june 24, 2024, 5:02 p.m. ET”

“a sicko tried to rape a central park sunbather in a disturbing broad-daylight attack monday — but she fought off the pervert as her screams sent him running, cops and sources said.”

“the creep jumped the 22-year-old victim as she soaked in the sun around 1:30 p.m. at west 104th street and the west drive in the iconic greenspace, cops and sources said.

“the stranger tried to rape the woman — who screamed and resisted, according to authorities and sources.

“he’s described as in his 30s, wearing a green shirt, blue jeans and a blue hat.”

GRA: How about his nose and lip features, if he spoke English/spanish, had an afro, etc?


N.S.: The post has since updated the story, but lied about that, in refusing to say “updated at …” It still says “5:02 p.m.”

The update says:

“‘he tackled her from behind, trying to get on top of her,’ Chell added. ‘and she valiantly fought him off a second time.

“‘the suspect — who [sic] [chief of patrol John] Chell described as a 6-foot-tall black man in his 30s, with curly hair and a medium build — fled and was still on the loose monday evening.

“‘all our strategic response groups [are] converging on this park right now,’ the police official said. ‘right now, we’re searching every part of this park for witnesses or any evidence you might find … everyone’s got a piece, and they’re going out to get witnesses.’”

“Everyone’s got a piece”?! When would they not have a piece?

Note that after two-and-a-half hours, the post had only permitted 53 comments, which meant its Gauleiter had probably blocked or deleted at least 150 comments. (It’s blocked yours truly, via its “LOG IN TO COMMENT” function.) Over app. 25 minutes since then, it has permitted only two more comments. And yet, the vast majority of permitted comments have complained about the post’s racial censorship of the story.

2 hours ago

“‘The suspect – believed to be in his 30s, wearing a green shirt, blue jeans and blue hat’, no mention of whether he had a light or dark complexion was 6.6 or 5.2, grossly obese or gaunt, American accent or Foreign accent, Spanish or English or other languages. What sort of questions do the cops ask? If I was a criminal I would make sure I had a change of clothes, they would never ever catch me. The cops description would read ‘ the suspect was wearing a yellow hat, purple trousers and orange top, but I would quickly change into an all white suit. That is a top tip for criminals in New York City.”

• jj judge
two hours ago

This guy was probably in a nuns habit and shawl before he was out of the park.. It’s not the cops it’s the POST!!!!

• Nick1987
one hour ago

It’s because of all the woke bullies in NYC who are claiming that giving a skin color description is racist...As ya’ll know we've completely lost it in NYC!

• Sophiemom68
• one hour ago •

Check out "NYPD911 Twitter". More "detailed" description can be found there. Unable to list here, "rejected".

• James Smith
29 minutes ago

It says he’s a black man. Say no more.

• Mary Millar
2 hours ago

Who in their right mind would sunbathe in Central Park?

• PowWow
1 hour ago

It isn't that uncommon, people often don't realize just how large central park is. There are large open areas used for sunbathing, laying out and reading etc. You can feel eerily away from people deep into it at night, but not during the day.

• Nickszabara
1 hour ago

Who in their right mind would blame the victim?

• Alvin Bragg's Fake Law Degree
2 hours ago

No description, so....

• Gopher
1 hour ago

We know. We all know. Why don't they give the full description?

• Chilli Palmer
2 hours ago

One witness described him as being dressed in all black....another was sure he was naked.....

• Longshanks
2 hours ago

You do the city a disservice with a partial description - you got his clothing and hat and even guessed his AGE but you didn’t get a look at the skin color?

• MinasMorgul
1 hour ago

He's an Aztec. Blue hat with green shirt? Ever see one of the brothers mismatch colors like that?

• Git a Rope
2 hours ago

Another perp with a guilty complexion which is why the NYPD and the NYP do not mention this in the description.

• benito camelas
2 hours ago

Be on the lookout for a man in green shirt!

• Peter S
2 hours ago

did he have a dark tan

• Riptide
1 hour ago


• Peter S
2 hours ago

Adams says NYC is safe and the Dems want to defund the police.

2 hours ago

Their own fault, twice. Once voting for it then they don't take precautions living in a dangerous city

• Esteban Villisoueva
2 hours ago

Well they didn't say it was a white guy so it was a brother or one of Biden's illegals. If it were a white guy they would have provided that information. My guess is it is one of Biden's illegals.

• Common Sense
1 hour ago

We know the gender and color.

Now which group has a bad sense of color coordination?

• Regal641
2 hours ago

No description of either bad guy??

• Joe Scarborough is a Liar
2 hours ago

What’s the race of the suspect? Stop this nonsense and give an accurate description.

• A A
2 hours ago

The attacker must be a Friend of Mayor Adams / Da Bragg

• Mary Millar
2 hours ago

Biden's America..

• Carl Williams
1 hour ago

race or ethnicity of the creep? interesting NYP withholds that's ok - we now know it is either one or the other (newly crossed) one

• Peter S
2 hours ago

Adams says we are safe. LOL

• Cape Dweller
2 hours ago

Eric Adams is still gonna get reelected…just sayin’

• Your mom
1 hour ago

He’s a former COP! yet anyone who remembers the type of COP he was has remained quiet… wonder why? ☠️

• Polly Tix
2 hours ago

Perpetrator votes democrat.

• jj judge
2 hours ago

No description other than cloths?? Gotta be a whyte supreemist..

• Andy F.
2 hours ago

If Trump had built the wall like he promised, then we wouldn't be having these problems!

• Susan Lynn
1 hour ago

If Biden didn’t overturn Trumps executive orders right after he took office we wouldn’t be having these problems. Blame Biden not Trump.

• David Jones
1 hour ago

2020 Biden: I will reverse Trump’s border laws.
- 2022 Biden: we have successfully reversed all of the border policies.
- 2024 Biden: the border problem is Trump’s fault.

• Sandra Ann*
1 hour ago

Special kind, arent' you.

• Your mom
1 hour ago


• Your mom
1 hour ago

If congress had given the money ON DAY 1 of trumps office our daughters would be safe today! Instead democrat congress and YOUR PRESIDENT couldn’t care less if YOUR KIDS ARE SAFE🤡🇺🇸

• KissMe undefined
2 hours ago

Midday folks not even dusk !

• R L
1 hour ago

What is she doing sun bathing in central park?

• Sheldon Cooper
41 minutes ago

She wasn't naked, jerk. Yeah, how dare she enjoy a day in the park?? Go away, bye bye.

• Git a Rope
2 hours ago

NYC has got to be the rape capital of the US. Sad.

• Sandra Ann*
1 hour ago

Well, if you keep voting for democrats this will continue.

The country is run by an absentee president who is holed up at Camp David getting some pointers on how to debate..🤡.

.He should be well versed in it, he's been on the public dole for over 50 years....

ANd that silly Mayor NY insisted on voting for...HOW has he made anything better for your safety??? Stop voting for's is getting really old....

Crimes, taxes, food prices, and over the top violence..all on the democrats ticket.

How much more are you gonna take?

• Joe Scarborough is a Liar
2 hours ago

Illegal alien

• Jason Hoppy
29 minutes ago

Surprised they updated to say he was a noir as if we already didn't know.

• Susan Lynn
1 hour ago

I feel so sorry for the people of New York who are stuck in the cesspool it’s become.

• Sandra Ann*
1 hour ago

I don't...they voted for this and they will again.

1 hour ago

You would think someone as fat as Bragg wouldn't be able to out run anybody.

• Cool Breeze
31 minutes ago

Yeah - There'll be a whole lot (more) of these - thanks to Biden & his border graduates.

• A A
2 hours ago

sunbathing is next to naked

• Roadrunner
25 minutes ago

🤡 Maybe to you, not everyone

• David Jones
1 hour ago

^^Another one convicted of indecent exposure^^.

• Marcus
2 minutes ago

This stuff didn’t go on when Giuliani and Bloomberg were mayor s.I’m glad she escaped him, but the overwhelming odds are she is a woke democrat

• I never read replies
18 minutes ago

What a lovely place to live and play.

• Darby Smith
2 hours ago

Wayne Gretzsky said "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take." Who knows, maybe she would have been cool with it.

• David Jones
1 hour ago

We know you would be, Dylan.

• Dense Tiger
39 minutes ago

So y'all need to hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide yo husband cause they rapin' err'body out here.

"police described both victims as hispanic and appeared to be adults; the only descriptor for the suspect is that he is hispanic and possibly drove away in a black suv"

By A Texas Reader
sunday, june 23, 2024 at 02:07:32 p.m. edt

"police described both victims as hispanic and appeared to be adults; the only descriptor for the suspect is that he is hispanic and possibly drove away in a black suv"

Textbook definition of win-win.

N.S.: That's much more info than usual. If the killer and the vics had all been black, or the killer were black, and the vics had been White, all you would have heard was, "the suspect possibly drove away in a black suv." I don't know if that's due to media or police censorship.

dem mayors recite from the same old script, as bLACKS continue their usual, violent behavior: “this must stop”; but the script offers the same, old “solution”

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, june 24, 2024 at 2:49:00 p.m. edt

“(ap) the first weekend of summer brought a tragic yet familiar pattern for American cities wracked by gun [sic] violence as mass shootings left dozens dead or wounded at a party in alabama, an entertainment district in ohio and a grocery in arkansas.

“‘this senseless [sic] violence just has to stop,’ said Montgomery mayor Steven Reed, who called it a blessing that no one died while also asking for help in keeping guns out of the hands of criminals [sic].

[N.S.: Reed doesn’t want to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. If he did, he’d already have ordered his police force to engage in stop-and-frisk. He wants to keep guns in the hands of black and hispanic criminals, and out of the hands of law-abiding, hard-working, White taxpayers.]

“gunfire also broke out early sunday on the main street of a popular restaurant and entertainment district near downtown Columbus, ohio.

“ten people were injured [sic], one in critical condition, leading the city’s mayor to call for more action from state and federal governments to keep guns off the streets and for parents to watch their children. mayor Andrew Ginther said the gun [sic] violence ‘is outrageous, it’s unacceptable, and it must stop.’”

[N.S.: Ditto for Andrew Ginther, as for Steven Reed.]

GRA: Who’s going to stop “it,” if the mayors are saying THEY are incapable and powerless (which they are, unless they sweep neighborhoods and arrest black thugs en masse)?

If you have a black and mex population in your city, you’ll have these types of incidents on a regular basis—period. That population must be reduced and only ideas in that area are relevant.


Meanwhile, over in another Montgomery (alabama), lucky 13 are wounded at overnight (nEGRO) “party” (Sailer law in operation)

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, june 23, 2024 at 10:15:00 p.m. edt

“Montgomery, ala. (wsfa) - a total of 13 people were injured in an overnight mass shooting in Montgomery.

“nine people were shot, and four others were injured at a crowded party in the area of north pass road and alabama river parkway. Montgomery police and fire medics responded there just after 1:45 a.m. sunday.

“Montgomery mayor [black] Steven Reed said in a statement that more than 300 rounds were fired in the shooting. in his initial statement, Reed said over 600 rounds were fired but that number was changed late sunday afternoon to 362 after further review by authorities.”

GRA: black parties are F U N. Keep going to them, blackies.



[“Montgomery county, md: White retreat continues; ‘asian-american’ new police supremo”]

By Anonymous
sunday, june 23, 2024 at 11:32:00 a.m. edt

I grew up in Montgomery county, Maryland, and Bergen county, new jersey. Outside of a chinese restaurant, I never saw a single asian until I went away to college in boston. I never saw a single hispanic, either, except for one kid living with a White family in new jersey. No blacks at any of my schools, either. The nearest thing to minorities were some italians in new jersey and some Jews.

Now, where I live near Seattle, it is swarming with indians—and I don’t mean American indians. The population of America is sure being changed.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

mexican charged in fatal shooting of 3 relatives in west Houston he claimed were burglars to police

By A Texas Reader
sunday, june 23, 2024 at 03:03:25 p.m. edt

"mexican charged in fatal shooting of 3 relatives in west Houston he claimed were burglars to police: Hpd"

"There are jobs that Americans won't do."

suspect's half-brother says mom, sister, and brother-in-law killed in west Houston

Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 07:42:54 PM EDT

Suspect's half-brother says mom, sister, and brother-in-law killed in west Houston


Fernandez Hernandez?




There goes Rhymin' Simon.


WHISTLEBLOWER Claims Pfizer Offered “Separate and Distinct” COVID-19 Vaccines to Employees

Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 03:51:13 PM EDT

WHISTLEBLOWER Claims Pfizer Offered "Separate and Distinct" COVID-19 Vaccines to Employees

Hi, I thought you might enjoy reading this article I just came across: WHISTLEBLOWER Claims Pfizer Offered "Separate and Distinct" COVID-19 Vaccines to Employees


Disparate impact?




Isn't that "racist"?


"'it was an ambush': deputy killed in detroit while tracking stolen vehicle"

Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:01:39 PM EDT

'It was an ambush': Oakland County deputy killed in Detroit while tracking stolen vehicle

The deputy was following a vehicle that had been stolen from an Oakland County waterpark when the suspects got out and started shooting.


My friend Mohammed likes this song very much. Whole his family, 4 wives and 25 kids dance to this brilliant music

Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 10:55:50 PM EDT

My friend Mohammed likes this song very much. Whole his family, 4 wives and 25 kids dance to this brilliant music

Shuffle Time with 'L' Amour Toujours' - Gigi D'agostino Enjoy the Video and Subscribe the Channel Magga Braco (Join channel) -- © Fire Soldier - All rights are reserved
The origins of Auslander Raus.

The Youtube comments are both informative and hysterical.

Intelligent search from Bing makes it easier to quickly find what you're looking for and rewards you.


big steal ii: google whistleblower exposes plot to rig 2024 elections, trace everything you do

Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 11:50:13 PM EDT

WATCH: Google Whistleblower Exposes Plot To Rig 2024 Elections, Trace Everything You Do


So, why would google not behave as if it were not an arm of the government?


It's because it was funded in part by google.  Heck, Silicon Valley was funded in large measure by the DOD.


And his late wife?


Of course she was murdered by the Deep State.


Like JFK.


And Jack Ruby.


And remember the late Kenneth Trentadue?


When his corpse was found it was discovered that every bone in his body had been broken.  He even had bruises on the soles of his feet from the beatings meted out by FBI agents.


Yet the "official" narrative was that he had "committed suicide.


Or how about Michael Hastings?


Seth Rich?


Ronni Karpen Moffitt?


My late Uncle Jack, a retired Washington, D.C. homicide detective, investigated the assassination of Letelier and the murder of Moffitt.


Uncle Jack told me a few years before his death that the CIA had murdered Letelier. 


He told me this directly in a long distance phone call.


When I asked him how he knew this, he replied,


"Because we found incriminating documents at the scene."


And let's not forget DARPA's role in both the creation of the COVID "virus" and the "vaccines" used to "prevent" COVID.


So, yeah, google is gonna influence the forthcoming election.










convicted fraudster who made tens of millions from arizona’s sober living scheme, sentenced

Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 04:14:01 PM EDT

Fraudster who made millions from Arizona's sober living scheme, sentenced to probation

The sober living scheme ravaged Arizona's Medicaid system for an estimated $2.5 billion in fraud, costing taxpayers. Now one man whose company made nearly $21 million was sentenced for his role in the scam. FOX 10's Justin Lum reports.


10 people shot in downtown Columbus, ohio, as police search for the perp

Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 05:17:32 PM EDT

10 People Shot In Downtown Columbus, Ohio, as Police Search For The Suspect


Sailer's Law.




And again.


And again.


Body Cam Footage of Probate Judge Arrested for Assaulting Police Officer Outside Nightclub Released (VIDEO)

Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:52:12 PM EDT

Body Cam Footage of Probate Judge Arrested for Assaulting Police Officer Outside Nightclub Released (VIDEO)

Body Cam Footage of Probate Judge Arrested for Assaulting Police Officer Outside Nightclub Released (VIDEO)