Monday, June 24, 2024

publisher Lachlan Murdoch, editor-in-chief Keith Poole, and three others at the new york post, and Alesia Cullen at abc news, have all won a major journalism award, with more awardees possibly to come!

By Nicholas Stix

new york post publisher Lachlan Murdoch, editor Keith Poole, and reporters Larry Celona, Joe Marino and Amanda Woods, and abc news editor-in-chief Alesia Cullen, and other John and Jane Does at abc news and the new york post win major journalism award!

The Duranty-Blair Award recognizes those journalists whose work embodies the spirit of Walter Duranty and Jayson Blair, two of the most notorious scoundrels in the history of the Fourth Estate. It is no accident that both men worked for the new york times.

Today, in a secluded section of central park, a black man app. six-feet tall and in his thirties, with a medium build, allegedly attempted to rape a female sunbather. The original new york post “thing,” on the crime, with a time mark of 5:02 p.m., withheld the police description of the alleged attacker, and blocked or deleted the vast majority of reader commenters.

After most reader-commenters complained vociferously about the Gauleiter’s censorship, editor Keith Poole, or his deputy revised the story, but without acknowledging that he had done so. The time-mark remained at 5:02 p.m.

At abc news philadelphia, the story on the same alleged crime initially referred to the alleged perp having “pearly hair,” which can still be seen on google, and later was changed to “curly hair,” as if the perp were Jewish, hispanic, italian, whatever.

To those thinking, “Yeah, but they started hiding race years ago,” they have to stop, and we have to make them stop.

Although I have often meant to issue many more D-Bs since 2018, amid the constant blizzard of fraudulent scribbling, thanks to “j-schools,” which only exist, in order to cull students showing any decent and honest tendencies from the so-called news business, and racial socialist newsroom enforcers, in which only the exceptional piece of media stuff does not deserve a D-B, I have frequently neglected to do so. However, as abitrary as the business may have become, I still must issue these rasberries.

Walter Duranty wrote a series of early 1930s dispatches from the Soviet Union, where he was times Moscow bureau chief, in which he lied about the Ukrainian Holocaust, in which Stalin deliberately starved millions of Kulaks (farmers/peasants) to death, through a man-made famine. Instead of reporting the truth, Duranty reported that the peasants were happy and well-fed, and was rewarded for his lies with a Pulitzer Prize.

Jayson Blair (here, here, and here) was an early 2000s black affirmative action hire, who alternately plagiarized reporters at other newspapers, and fabricated articles out of whole cloth, all for stories set hundreds and even thousands of miles away, while he sat in New York City cafés.

Previous Duranty-Blair winners are:

CBS News producer Mary Mapes in 2004;

Seven reporters and editors at the New Orleans Times-Picayune in 2006;

ABC News reporter Brian Ross in 2012;

Peter Berger (not the brilliant sociologist), of The American Interest, in 2013;

Associated Press operative Tom Hays, in 2014;

New York Times operative Farhad Manjoo in September, 2016;

CNN’s Symone Sanders (2), Don Lemon, and Kate Bolduan (2) (P.S. and Jeff Zucker [5]), in November 2016;

New York Times Propaganda Officer Francis X. Clines in March 2017;

CNN Activist Jim Sciutto, in May 2017;

Associated Press “Reporter” Duncan Mansfield (posthumous), in September 2017;

CBS Sports operative Jack Maloney, Chairman Sean McManus, and President David Berson, in October 2017;

Associated Press operative Julie Pace, in October 2017;

Associated Press Executive Editor Sally Buzbee and Managing Editor Brian Carovillano, in November 2017;

New York Times Operatives Richard Fausset (Alleged Reporter), Executive Editor Dean Baquet, and Managing Editor Joseph Kahn,” in December 2017;

Foreign Policy’s Max Boot, Jonathan Tepperman, and Ben Pauker, in January 2018;

Sports “Reporter” Les Carpenter, January 6, 2018;

People Magazine “Reporter” Steve Helling and Editor Jess Cagle, August 3, 2018;

Vanity Fair’s William D. Cohan and Graydon Carter, August 13, 2018;

Vox Media Gang Member Zack Beauchamp, August 13, 2018;

Politico Gang Member Daniel Lippman, September 18, 2018;

CNN’s Manu Raju (and Jeff Zucker), on October 13, 2018;

CNN’s Ana Cabrera, Marc Lamont Hill, and Zucker on October 18, 2018;

CNN’s Kirsten Powers and Jeff Zucker, and USA Today’s Nicole Carroll, on October 27, 2018;

Seven at the new criterion and pj media, on January 22, 2024;

Two at deadspin and six at variety, on March 12, 2024.


  1. Ron Unz is at it again. He wrote another interminable piece at Unz Review about the Israelis sneaking into 1963 Dallas, Texas and shooting JFK without anybody noticing them.

  2. Oh! I misread this the first time...

    "Today, in a secluded section of central park, a black man app. six-feet tall and in his thirties, with a medium build, allegedly attempted to rape a female sunbather."

    ... thinking "oh, she had a black man app on her phone, why didn't she know of the danger?"

  3. jerry pdx
    First black editor of the Oregonian was William A. Hilliard who retired in 1994 and died in 2017.

    The media sang his praises after his death about how he "broke" barriers, suffered from horrifying racism his entire life (BS) yada yada...but what I will always remember him most for is that he is the editor that instituted the policy of not reporting the race of suspects in crimes. It was quite controversial at the time and provoked a heated debate, even the local media addressed the issue. That is in marked contrast to nowadays where the subject comes up on listener comments and such but the mainstream media is notably silent. In the article the Oregonian ran after his death they devoted one paragraph to the issue:

    "Within the paper, Hilliard pushed to change the way minority communities were covered and described. Reporters had routinely written that police were looking for a suspect described as "a 6-foot black man." Hilliard said the description was so generic that it was useless, and only served to perpetuate stereotypes".

    I couldn't find anything else about Hilliard and his racist bias online but remember the arguments back in the day that went on over this. Hilliard was being dishonest and disingenuous here because before Hilliard the paper gave you the best available information, they'd post a composite if they could and give you as much detail about the perp as possible. But sometimes all a person had was sketchy details in which race was the most obvious and easy descriptor they could supply. If the perp was black, then the description eliminated 95% of the population which narrowed things down and increased the chance you could apprehend him, or her. But Hilliard didn't care, like all black supremacists today, he sympathized with his "brothas" & "sistas" no matter how heinous and evil they were. He wanted to camouflage the disproportionate amount of crime his brethren committed, especially sexually related offenses. I remember one incident in particular the the Oregonian ignored. A young woman was brutally gang raped by 4 negroes downtown around 1980 or so, she went directly to the Oregon Journal, a local paper that was a rival to the Oregonian for a while. She told the reporters that she knew the Oregonian wouldn't report her story but knew that the Journal would. She told what happened in harrowing detail and told exactly what they looked like which enabled the police to apprehend them. The Oregonian, with Hilliard at the helm, would never have done that. The Journal went defunct not long after that incident, it just wasn't toeing the line for politically correct reporting and lost it's advertising base. What I remember is that the Oregonian refused to report the story at all, even with race sanitized details. There were stories of rapes by negroes but Hilliard had a quota on how many the paper would report so as not to "stereotype". Makes me wonder how much this stuff happened back then or even now that we don't even hear about.

    It seems almost surreal to think that there was a time media outlet head like Hilliard would actually address the subject of race omission but nowadays, as we know, the likes of Hilliard just do it and don't respond to any questions as to why. They've learned that they are in a position of power to do whatever they please and push their woke politics on the world with no need to justify.

  4. Jerry pdx:

    1)The blacks take care of their own--there isn't any doubt about it--and they go after those who aren't black with lies and racist propaganda.Holt is the #1 example,but many others abound.

    2)By allowing black criminals to perpetuate their activities,through their failure to provide information to capture them,the pro-black media and nig police chiefs are as evil as those who commit the murders,rapes and other felonies.

    "Protect and serve"?

    For police and media,that's only blacks,these days.



  5. GRA:Back to "no race" by nbc,out of ny.

    (nbc4)The search for a man who attacked a 21-year-old woman sunbathing alone in Central Park, tackling her to the ground in an attempted sexual assault, stretched into a second day Tuesday -- as park-goers stayed wary.

    The attacker is described as being about 6 feet tall with a medium build and curly hair. He was last seen wearing a light-colored shirt and shorts.

    GRA:Actually,wasn't he pantsless--last "seen" exposing himself?
