Monday, June 24, 2024

dem mayors recite from the same old script, as bLACKS continue their usual, violent behavior: “this must stop”; but the script offers the same, old “solution”

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, june 24, 2024 at 2:49:00 p.m. edt

“(ap) the first weekend of summer brought a tragic yet familiar pattern for American cities wracked by gun [sic] violence as mass shootings left dozens dead or wounded at a party in alabama, an entertainment district in ohio and a grocery in arkansas.

“‘this senseless [sic] violence just has to stop,’ said Montgomery mayor Steven Reed, who called it a blessing that no one died while also asking for help in keeping guns out of the hands of criminals [sic].

[N.S.: Reed doesn’t want to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. If he did, he’d already have ordered his police force to engage in stop-and-frisk. He wants to keep guns in the hands of black and hispanic criminals, and out of the hands of law-abiding, hard-working, White taxpayers.]

“gunfire also broke out early sunday on the main street of a popular restaurant and entertainment district near downtown Columbus, ohio.

“ten people were injured [sic], one in critical condition, leading the city’s mayor to call for more action from state and federal governments to keep guns off the streets and for parents to watch their children. mayor Andrew Ginther said the gun [sic] violence ‘is outrageous, it’s unacceptable, and it must stop.’”

[N.S.: Ditto for Andrew Ginther, as for Steven Reed.]

GRA: Who’s going to stop “it,” if the mayors are saying THEY are incapable and powerless (which they are, unless they sweep neighborhoods and arrest black thugs en masse)?

If you have a black and mex population in your city, you’ll have these types of incidents on a regular basis—period. That population must be reduced and only ideas in that area are relevant.


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