Saturday, June 22, 2024

"92 percent of biracial children with a black father are born out of wedlock"

saturday, june 22, 2024 at 06:29:58 p.m. edt

"92 percent of biracial children with a black father are born out of wedlock"

I can vouch for this.

The hot, young, brunette female who was living with her black "boyfriend" in my condo complex got pregnant by him.

She ditched him shortly thereafter.

And then there's the White trash sow who lives directly above me.

She is every ounce a 300-pounder, if not more.

Has a black significant other.

She is the one who works delivering food.

I have yet to see the "man" in her life leave early for a job, much less come home late from a job.

Can you say, "welfare"?


Anonymous said...

In 100% of those situations of black "other" and,let's say,180 lb or more White female,the nig has at least two other fat White chicks on the side--plus black bush too.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
That's one reason I hated living in apartments of any kind, back in the day when I lived in apartments. You can't find any in Portland where there aren't black men living with White women. Guarantee, there's always at least one couple like that in every complex. Portland, progressive nightmare that it is, has more black male/white female couples per capita than anywhere else. Along with that, it's impossible not to notice how rarely you see the opposite. I see black men with White women every day, multiple times a day, but might see a White male with a black female once a month or so. The ratio is literally about a hundred to one. I've visited many cities in the East Coast, lived in California and traveled through the midwest and have never seen anything quite like Portland for one sided interracial relationships.
I believe a huge factor is the type of White women that live here, or move here, most of them are the kind that don't want the pressure of looking good in a bikini, if you know what I mean, which is not a problem here in sunshine challenged puddletown. A lot are man hating heterosexual women who have decided that White men are public enemy number one and devote their lives to getting back at them by going out with only black men.
It's really odd when you consider the black population is only about 7% or so. I've been to cities where the black population is 5 times that and not seen so many black male White female couples walking around. But that's Portland for you, sometimes I wonder if there's something in the water or just the general atmosphere of the city addles women's brains somehow.

Anonymous said...

I had read 95 % but 92 % not much different. An amazing statistic.

Sometimes you see the woman with her child and no man around. But you have a 100 % chance of guessing right the race of the father.

Anonymous said...

The difference between Portland and a city with black populations of 35% or more,I'll bet you don't travel to the crap ghetto neighborhoods and sightsee in the latter.Coalburners usually live in section eightville,not in White areas--where White women still have enough self respect(and financial independence) to avoid residing with blackie.


Anonymous said...

Lake Meadows high rise apartment complex in Chicago lakeside was notorious for the black men living with whitey women. And that back in the Nineteen Fifties!! No marriage of course. Just "living".