Wednesday, June 19, 2024

To the greek coast guard: “keep up the good work”

By Jerry PDX
monday, june 17, 2024 at 11:24:00 p.m. edt
I say to the greek coast guard: “Keep up the good work.”

Notice the article cites stats about how many of these invaders drown, like it’s the fault of greece or other european countries. As if all these men getting in leaky, overcrowded boats trying to cross a perilous sea in order to invade countries that they don’t belong in has nothing to do with it.

N.S.: The article’s writer worships colored evil. Therefore, for him, it is the Whites’ fault.


Anonymous said...

They turned the boat into a submarine,that's all.


Anonymous said...

Greece in real trouble. Population of ten million, 10 % of which are illegal, almost all Muslim. One million here, another million here, pretty soon you got a whole lot of million.