Thursday, June 20, 2024

“ashamed of being White,” Donald Sutherland dies at 88 years of age

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
thursday, june 20, 2024 at 7:17:00 p.m. edt

GRA: I knew he was a far left maniac, but the following story, from years ago, shows everyone how nuts he was—and Helen Mirren, too.

wenn - celebrity and entertainment news agency

“( Donald Sutherland is more ‘ashamed’ than ever to be a White man in America following Donald Trump’s election as the 45th President of the U.S.

“the left-wing the [sic] hunger games star admits he is appalled by the fact so many people voted for the republican despite him causing offence to women, disabled people, latinos, and moslems, among others, throughout his election campaign and through his conservative policies.

“Sutherland, who was born in canada but lives in the U.S., only really realised [bad!] how much of an advantage his race and sex is [sic] in today’s society after his the [sic] leisure seeker co-star Helen Mirren pointed it out to him in the middle of filming.

“‘Helen Mirren came up to me on the set and… she said, “you are the most privileged person on earth…,” he recalled on U.S. breakfast show today. ‘I said, “how can you say that?” and she said, “You are a White male.”

Sutherland was left speechless by the remark, and it really got him thinking about the world the women in his life will grow up in, now Trump is set to take charge of the white house.

“‘there’s no reply. I was ashamed. I was stunned,’ he admitted. ‘and I have gotten more ashamed (since Trump’s election). it’s interesting to realise that you are seen as an integral part of a group that many of whom are mendacious, misogynist, bigots, racists, and it’s appalling.

“Sutherland, 81, believes the future looks bleak under Trump’s presidency, particularly for women, and he can only do his best to help his loved ones smile through the tough time.”

GRA: Trump’s presidency was not “bleak”—compare it to biden’s term—with the biden-backed mex invasion, war everywhere, crime out of control, and a deficit that will bring this country down.

Are Mirren and Sutherland, in a backhanded way, saying Whites are smarter than blacks and mex, but just feel guilty about it?

Why would they? It’s the way it is.


N.S.: I am not sure that the “thing” GRA posted was written by a human being. The byline is “WENN.” When I searched for WENN, I found, “WENN - Celebrity and Entertainment News Agency,” one of two “bylines” at, the other being playbuzz. Either has stafferrs who punch in keywords to ai, whose raceless, faceless, nameless bots produce humanity-free, pc talking points, or it has low or unpaid staffers/interns/whatevers whose “job” it is to write like bots.

(Many years ago, a young woman who had been nominated for at least one Pulitzer prize while working for years for zillionaire lefty and notorious plagiarist, Arianna Stassinopulos Huffington, of the Huffington post, publicly quit. When the msm asked Mrs. Huffington for comment, she denied that the woman had ever worked for her. In other words, the billionaire designing woman, whose fortune derived from marrying and divorcing oil heir Michael Huffington, had refused to pay her staffer a single, solitary nickel.)

“in march 2011 AOL acquired the Huffington post for $315 million. [N.S., i.e., aol paid Arianna Stassinopulos Huffington $315 million.] Huffington became president and editor in chief of The Huffington Post Media Group, a new venture that included all the content from the Web site and AOL. In 2016 she announced that she was leaving the company in order to start thrive global, a health-and-wellness [sic] venture.” (encyclopedia britannica)

So, aol paid Huffington $315 million but still let her run her blog, until she left it to run a health-and-health venture.

By the way, you learned from me, not from britannica, that Huffington is a notorious plagiarist, ditto that she refused to pay her staffers.

Arianna Stassinopulos Huffington has so much protection from places like google that they have virtually “disappeared” information about her cheating her writers, how many hundreds of millions of dollars she squeezed her ex-husband for (after he came out as homosexual), and her plagiarism cases. (The only places I found even tidbits of information on the latter were via ancient blog comments here and here. She was accused of plagiarism for her Maria Callas and Picasso biographies, and for a third book, where she settled out of court.)


Anonymous said...

“You are a White male.”

Something WRONG with that.

Anonymous said...

Before Altman made ugly leading men fashionable with the vile MASH in 1970, Sutherland always played psychotic killers and literal retards, in horror films and British TV series. He was very convincing in those roles; DAY OF THE LOCUST (one of his best movies) was a throwback to those times. The late-awakening "feminist" had no problem banging Julie Christie on camera in DON'T LOOK NOW, nor with walking around nude in ANIMAL HOUSE (I think that was the movie; the sight was so repulsive I've tried to bury it in in my memory). And the whore Mirren made her career by flaunting her body in Michael Powell's disastrous AGE OF CONSENT (and she was stunning then- like a Frank Frazetta fantasy woman come to life). Face it, actors are- and were- mostly scum; if one enjoys their work, it should be left at that, and nothing more.

Anonymous said...

R.M.,if they would only stay in their enclosed,luxurious fantasy world and out of trying to influence the REAL world(which they don't interact with on a daily,weekly or monthly basis)we could call it even.But they don't.