Sunday, May 21, 2023

The Christina Yuna Lee and the Kitty Genovese cases, respectively

By N.S.

In the wee small hours of March 13, 1964, black serial murderer-rapist Winston Moseley stabbed barmaid Kitty Genovese, 23, to death, before raping her in the back lobby of her small apartment building in Kew Gardens, Queens. A new york city pd detective wrote up a false report, which commissioner Michael Murphy passed on to new york times city editor A.M. Rosenthal at their weekly lunch date.

“But as journalist Kevin Cook details in his new book, Kitty Genovese: The Murder, the Bystanders, the Crime that Changed America,” some of the real thoughtlessness came from a police commissioner who lazily passed a falsehood to a journalist, and a media that fell so deeply in love with a story that it couldn’t be bothered to determine whether it was true.

“New York City Police Commissioner Michael ‘Bull’ Murphy had lunch with the new york times’ new city editor — later to become the paper’s executive editor — Abe Rosenthal.”

“'Rosenthal assigned a reporter named Martin Gansberg to dig deeper, and Gansberg interviewed Genovese’s neighbors for three days before the times ran his front-page story on march 27.

“The article began as follows:

“'For more than half an hour 38 respectable, law-abiding citizens in queens watched a killer stalk and stab a woman in three separate attacks in kew gardens.”

“Cook and others speculate that the story’s first paragraph was written by Rosenthal. Kitty Genovese died because a witness called police, who kept him on hold for a few minutes. Then when he reached a dispatcher, the latter said a squad car was on the way, but refused to send one. The nypd didn't send a car until a second witness called a half-hour later, at which point it was too late to save Genovese. Then the department made up a hoax ("38 witnesses"), to cover its own keister. The new york times was happy to promote said hoax, because it transferred the blame from the racist, black monster who had committed the atrocity, to the victim's innocent, White neighbors.

At about 4:20 a.m., on Feb. 13, 2022, racist black career criminal Assamad Nash, 25, followed Christina Yuna Lee, 35, into her apartment building, and then forced his way into her apartment, seeking to rape and murder her. Hearing her scream for help, as Nash began stabbing her, Lee's neighbors called 911, and the police showed up in four minutes, whereupon they hung out in the hall for one hour, uvalde-style, leaving Nash more than enough time to fnish killing her.

That's the story Lee's family tells in their lawsuit against the city. If it is true, there would be a certain symmetry between 1964 and 2022.

"nyc cops allegedly heard desperate screams, even spoke to killer but stood by while chinatown woman was murdered: suit"

"two nypd officers heard the desperate screams of a chinatown woman as she was being stabbed to death but failed to help, her family claims."


Anonymous said...

black cops?Spicano?They would be most likely to sit back and let the crime be completed.


David In TN said...

You will note the similarity of Christina Yuna Lee's killer, one Assamad Nash, to one Jordan Neely. Both "homeless" and "mentally ill."

I assume Nash's lawyers are using the Crazy Card.

Anonymous said...

Well I learned something today. Back in 1964 I was living in New Jersey--within sight of the Empire State Building and I remember the story about the horrible 38 witnesses who refused to help and let a woman get murdered. I believed the story and not until this morning did I learn the truth that the police didn't show up for a half hour and that was why the woman was not saved. Yet another case of reality being different than we were told--more and more I am learning that government agencies--including police--cannot be trusted. By the way, I knew a woman in New Mexico who heard a car stop behind her and 5 blacks jumped out. She started running and although one hit her over the head, she managed to get to the door of a house and the resident immediately let her in--saving her.

Anonymous said...

And many years later the media went out of their way to describe Kitty as less than wholesome. A lesbian and a bartender [barmaid?].

These dispatchers often are negresses who speak Blacklish and are hard to understand when you are on the phone with them. Often argumentative too.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the police hung out for an hour allowing Lee to be killed out of cowardice or because they were afraid they would have to shoot the black killer and then would face backlash for enforcing the law against a black? That would mean lots of trouble from their own department and maybe even prosecution and imprisonment for not allowing a dangerous black to have his way.