Monday, May 22, 2023

Tucker Carlson: "That's the end of the first amendment"

By N.S.


Anonymous said...

The end of the First(censored),is more like it.


Anonymous said...

"That's the end of the first amendment"

That's the end of *adherence* to the spirit and principle of the 1A.

But then the Constitution was written by white people for a white Christian nation, and its principles are only worth the commitment of the population to uphold and protect them. But that fraction of the population is shrinking fairly rapidly.

"muh Constitution"

Race and demographics are what matters most for the future of America.


Nothing against Tucker Carlson. He was useful for some topics.

But he is clearly a member of the PMC and a civic nationalist who may not even believe in unfixable genetic differences between racial groups. He would NEVER openly campaign for maintaining a white majority in America. He made that very clear in the recent video where he denigrated racial consciousness among Whites.

Anonymous said...

It just shows how much in the toilet the country has fallen,when Tucker is revered as a conservative hero. I was never impressed.If DeSantis tightens things up in his philosophical platform,he might be worth a vote from me.