Monday, May 22, 2023

phoenix: White female's killer was dusky "trans" pervert

By “W”
mon, may 22, 2023 1:16 p.m.

phoenix: White female's killer was dusky “trans” pervert


Anonymous said...

Hollywood Squares 2023

Contestant:"Paul Lynde to win."

Peter Marshall:"Paul,this is very important--it's for the game. Who is more likely to commit a murder--a gay or a black transsexual?

Paul Lynde:"Oh,it's got to be those dusky TRAN-NIES."(laughs).

Marshall:"Gay or black transsexual,which one is most likely to murder someone?

Paul Lynde:Well,just like playing roulette--
when you're talking murder--always bet on black.

contestant:I agree.

Marshall:Yes,you get the square AND the game,plus $250.



Paul Lynde:Kind of a gruesome question,wasn't it,Peter?

Marshall:These are gruesome times,Paul,and this IS the 2023 "Hollywood Squares",so let's start a new game and Miss Circle,please choose a star.

Contestant:Joe Biden's demented brain.
(Horn sounds)

Marshall:Well,stars and contestants,that sound means that time has run out on this particular episode.See you tomorrow on the "2023 Hollywood Squares",that is,IF you haven't been mass murdered between now and then.Good night everyone.


Anonymous said...

Apparently her Instagram account — just vain selfies, typical of many young women seduced by trashy pop culture.

Her TikTok account (RIP comments on her last video) — similar content.

One particularly vulgar video:

Anonymous said...

By the way,Peter Marshall is 97,survived Covid in 2021--because his wife got him out of the hospital He's given interviews saying he ,"survived Covid,pneumonia and sepsis.It's miraculous,but if I would have stayed in the hospital,I wouldn't be here."

His son,baseball player,Pete LaCock died of covid at age 68 in 2021--but Marshall is still on planet Earth--and doing well enough to host "Hollywood Squares 2023."

I liked that show a lot--another example of when we had great stars,but don't now.


Anonymous said...

I have to say,I went on YouTube and found a 1972 episode(#1)with Karen Valentine on it.Wow.

And Harvey Korman,Wally Cox,George Gobel.Another show had Charo and Joan Rivers(looking pretty good),doing an impression of Charo,but throwing her back out.

Great stuff.