Saturday, March 30, 2019

Shocking Video from Red China: School Bus Driver Runs Down and Kills Tyke Who Just Got Off His Bus, Just Keeps on Going, and Countless Pedestrians Just Walk by, Ignoring the Dead Child in the Road

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

I wish I could agree with the poster's statement about Western countries, but Western countries ain't Western no more. Besides which, there always certain areas--e.g., black ones, trashy white ones--where this sort of thing could have happened.


Anonymous said...

In China if someone stops to help an accident victim there is a good chance the victim will blame the good Samaritan for the accident. I heard of a case in which a truck driver hit someone and then backed over the person to make sure they were dead--dead men tell no tales. What Chinese really care about is money--that is why it is not safe to eat food imported from China--you never know what kind of filth or toxic chemicals are in it and the Chinese don't care. Many dogs have died from eating Chinese dog treats with toxic chemicals in them--it is not even a crime in China. It is insane to import Chinese and let them work on important technology--you never know when they will steal it and sell it to Red China. Western ideas of morality are meaningless to them as are ideas of freedom and justice. Chinese don't care about the lack of freedom in China as long as China becomes powerful.

Anonymous said...

Kitty Genovese. I need not say anymore.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Actually quite common in Asian countries for people to ignore obvious victims of auto, motorcycle & bicycle collisions, even if children are involved. American blacks can exhibit the same behavior also, unless they think a white caused the accident, then they immediately go berserk with rage. However, even poor whites won't ignore obvious victims of accidents, especially kids, if it happens it's a rarity. Not saying that there aren't some whites who will do nothing but you won't see victims of accidents out there all day being ignored, they will always do the right thing before too long. Also, often people don't realize that somebody is in distress, or even dead. In Portland we have a very high & visible homeless population, a homeless person could lay dead on the sidewalk for days before somebody realizes something it wrong, but it's because the sight of homeless laying outside motionless like they're asleep is so common.

Anonymous said...

"Actually quite common in Asian countries for people to ignore obvious victims of auto, motorcycle & bicycle collisions, even if children are involved"

Very much so. India they do not have the paramedics and the ambulances or such. If you are hurt you just lay there until your family members come along. If they are able to find you.

Anonymous said...

"Western ideas of morality are meaningless to them as are ideas of freedom and justice"

Lack of a supreme being with moral laws is uncommon in Asian lands. They do have the Confucian ethic and family and obedience to authority and the father figure. But not morals as understood in the Christian western world.