Friday, March 01, 2019

Christian-Newsom (Knoxville Horror) Case: No New Trial for Death Row Inmate Lemaricus Davidson

By David in TN
Fri, Mar 1, 2019 12:31 a.m.

Christian-Newsom case: No new trial for death row inmate Lemaricus Davidson, judge rules - from Knoxville News Sentinel

A judge has denied death-row inmate Lemaricus Davidson's bid for a new trial in the torture-killings of a Knox County couple.

Check out this story on

BREAKING NEWS! Lemaricus Davidson, Ringleader-Main Killer of the Knoxville Horror, fails in his bid for a new trial.

David: The most interesting thing to me is Davidson and his lawyers were made aware they couldn't make a Knox County jury an issue for appeal, due to insisting on a home county jury.

So they made it an issue anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not only should the negro not be given a new trial, he should be executed and forthwith as they say. Why is the negro still even alive?