Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
Black police officers organizing gang rapes of white men in South Africa

Horror stories are emerging from South Africa about the gang rape of white men in police holding cells. White men are arrested for crimes such as “speeding,” or “witnessing a crime.” They are placed in a holding cell with hardened black crimes. They are brutally gang raped by the black criminals, often with black police officers egging them on. The white victims are then released without being charged with any crime. Several white victims have sued police departments, but nothing has happened yet.
The following piece was written by Gayton McKenzie, a black gang member in South Africa, and published in a research paper at the University of Pretoria. He describes a young, skinny white male who is being held for Marijuana use. Source.
“Wimpie, a white boy who was dabbling with dagga, is put in our cell. I don’t know how old he really is, perhaps 16 or more, but he looks no older than 14, with skinny arms and short, spiky-crowned, brown hair. He tries to fight, and so they hit him. His resistance stops abruptly when one grabs the back of his head and smashes his face into the steel bars …The 20 men take it in turns to rape him. It goes on for more than eight hours, almost the whole night. The boy does everything he can, in his pathetic, limited range of action, to try to deter them, but he is ignored. He screams, he cries, he begs, he tries to bargain, he prays.”
“It is in the morning, though, that I am forced to see what life has coughed up before me. What’s left of Wimpie is lying in a corridor between the bunks, just in front of my bed. He is still naked, shivering in a pool of his own blood where they have discarded him. I will literally have to step over the small body to go and eat my breakfast.”
Here are other excerpts from South African news. Sources.
“An unnamed diabetic man aged 52 from Primrose, Germiston is suing the minister of security for 4.3 million after being illegally arrested twice and being raped in police custody the second time. He was put into a detention cell with 30 black inmates at the Witbank police station. He described how four men carried him around naked in the cell while the rest sang and danced. The man became so emotional, the court had to wait for him to continue with his testimony. The inmates forced him to kneel over a rolled up mattress, then they proceeded to sodomize him until he later lost consciousness. The ‘case’ against him for which he had been arrested in the first place, was withdrawn.
In March 2008 in Polokwane (Pietersburg) a young local man named Nico Bouwer , left with his bride, was sodomised repeatedly while in police custody just a few weeks before he was due to get married. He’s since lost his job due to the emotional trauma, and delivers pizzas to stay alive and keep food on the table for his family. A fundraising effort was launched by Rapport newspaper to help pay his medical bills. Bouwers life is totally in ruins after the attack. Mr Bouwer was on his way home from a friend’s house when his left tyre burst and he hit a light pole and a stoplight. He was taken by ambulance to the Polokwane hospital where he was arrested, and despite being injured in the accident taken to holding cells. He demanded his rights to a phone call but was turned down. In the cell were 25 black inmates. Eight of these black men attacked Bouwer and repeatedly raped him. Some held his arms and forced his face into a pillow while they were sodomising him. He was only allowed to call his lawyer the next day when he was finally released on bail.
In Vryheid, game rancher Etienne van Wyk was being sodomised in a police cell while the inmates were singing, the Pietermaritzburg High Court was told. Van Wyk claimed R1.2m from the Minister of Safety and Security. Van Wyk and Duvenhage were put into the Hlobane police cells after they were arrested for ‘transporting Van Wyk’s game animals without a licence”. The suspects in the cells charged with the rape were all hardened criminals predisposed to violence.The farmer did have a license and was released without charges the next day.
James Brown, a 69 year old with Alzheimers, was arrested for not paying for a candy bar. He was brutally murdered by blacks while in a holding cell at the police station.
The actions are nothing short of war crimes. Many reports include singing and dancing by the perpetrators while they inflict horrible atrocities on white victims. The black police and the black inmates work together to inflict these crimes on whites.
Depraved and sickening mentality that the persons sing and dance as the person is being raped.
NOT only the villains doing the rape are evil but so are the bystanders.
Those black prisoners and policemen are evil. They're also cowards.
My niece recently married a white guy from South Africa. He's a great guy. I rejoice that he and family are safe (well, relatively safer, at least for now) from this kind of horror in this country. They were wise to leave South Africa before their lives were destroyed or ended.
This sort of thing has been occurring in American prisons for many decades now. And is a crime almost exclusively committed by blacks against whites. Almost totally exclusively!!
That Long Binh Jail riot in Vietnam, the stockade taken over by the black inmates. The first thing done was to strip naked, seize and strip all the white inmates, the latter being gang raped. A crime of rage and hate and just a plain meanness and evil intent.
That low intensity war that has been raged by blacks against whites in American for at least five decades now an integral part of the war rape. Rape of white women on the streets and also the rape of white men in prison. Again, this is a interracial crime that whites do not do to blacks, an almost exclusively so a black type of crime.
Africa today, the US tomorrow.
appalling absolutely appalling, if the whites to whom this were being done were white liberals I say good, they asked for it they got it.
However as we all know white liberals always protect themselves from their ideology they expect others to live. Unfortunately, innocent others and of course non-liberal whites will be forced to bear the burden.
Also, about the white liberal broad with her white skin problem, I might be willing to have a similar tattoo on my white face, "Is my white cerebrum fair"?
My God, the S&S solution is ultimately our only hope.
The day of reckoning gets closer as time passes.
Will the lowly negro inherit the Earth? Possibly. Thank you.
Back in the 90s, a buddy of mine (a white) ended up in prison. He made one huge mistake which I'm not at liberty to speak about. If you can, take my word for it that he did something very foolish, rather than wicked. A judge threw the book at him. He got a seven year sentence, even though he was first-time offender. He served about half his time.
He was attacked by black inmates on different occasions. And although they were never able to carry out their threat, my buddy was told by one group of blacks that they intended to rape him.
I kept in touch with my friend and his dad during this time. His father told me that when he got out, his son would never again trust black people, or want anything to do with them.
Needless to say, this was a real eye-opening experience, not just for my friend, but for anyone who knew and cared about him. I can only imagine the anger and helplessness his dad felt when he heard about the predators with which his son was forced to live.
I'm the same guy who posted earlier today. Even as I was writing about my niece's South African husband, I realized that things aren't the way they should be in the United States, to put things mildly. I have no dispute with anything the other posters have written.
I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry at the absurdity...Jerry
High on LSD excuses a black man for stabbing a white girl to death and nets him a token 8 yr. sentence (likely less than half that with early release). I'm of the opinion that drugs only release existing demons with a person, clearly there was a homocidal rage toward white women that was already there, drugs don't put that in you.
Here is a large size picture of the "man" who stabbed his girlfriend to death high on LSD. I'm not sure how sorry I feel for any woman that thinks a Planet of the Apes reject is actually attractive in any way. Jerry
Why aren't all the NGOs (IRC, Catholic, Protestant, etc)pushing for asylum for whites from South Africa rather than pushing for more Muslim 'refugees' from Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Kenya,etc? Well they are the wrong color and the wrong religion! If you can call that death cult Islam a religion.)!
They just had a program on TV last night about illegal aliens in South Africa. A major problem for all parties concerned. Black Africans from all parts of Africa flock to South Africa illegally and like the place, IT IS SUPERIOR TO WHAT THEY HAVE AT HOME.
But are hated and despised by the other black South Africans. Those illegals will be KILLED if they are caught and live a very precarious life but it is PREFERABLE TO LIFE IN THEIR OWN LAND!
And if and when the big crack up in South Africa occurs, each and every group against each and every other group, those illegals will be killed in just enormous numbers.
Such is the state of the world now, as it has been in the past, and always will be.
If this ever happened to me, there wouldn't be a negro alive within 50 miles of me.
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