Thursday, January 09, 2014

San Jose: Mass Third-World Immigration = Vastly More Crime, Yet Fewer Arrests


By Nicholas Stix

But haven’t we heard, again and again, that “Immigrants commit fewer crimes than Americans,” and “Crime has been sinking for more than 20 years”?

Those are racial fairy tales. For a bracing dose of reality, read my colleague Federale, at VDARE.

As Federale remarks, the amnesty/immigration acceleration traitors are trying to make all of America look like a cross between San Jose and ... Detroit.


Anonymous said...

1. These sanctuary cities need to be sued in civil court for all they are worth IF AND WHEN A CRIMINAL NOT REPORTED TO ICE COMMITS ANOTHER CRIME AGAINST THE AVERAGE CITIZEN.

I guess the civil suit was tried in the case of the illegal Edwin in SF who shot to death the man and his sons. The city claimed a demurer [some sort of legal artifice] and the suit was dismissed out of hand.

2. If these locales do not check on the immigration status of a criminal or suspected illegal immigration status they may be in violation of federal law. You must make possible for the illegal to contact his consulate if charged with a crime. Under international treaty. Seems it is a violation of federal law not to ask the question in the first place, "are you an illegal?"

The PDK Herald/Crier Project said...

The Flags say it all. America is finished, she is a dead man walking.

How long will non-liberal whites continue to believe in and pursue a life in the sinking ship America.

Our Founding Fathers were great but ever since the Presidents J.Q.Adams and A.Jackson caused a split between democracy and a Republic the liberals have pursued their superiority via a fully enfranchised democracy.

Having finally achieved the numbers they also have achieved their superiority.

We are now their loser socialist democracy, and not our FFs free enterprise Republic.

Sad but true.

Let us keep living the illusion until it all crashes.

What is the sense.

We non-liberal whites need our own nation-state.

We experienced diversity of gene pools/cultures and we got sodomized by said diversity.

1.1 million NYC students. All paid by whitey's tax dollar, Most of then not white but hating whites.

We must be insane.

"Kirk to Spock, beam me up Spock, hurry, we are under threat of life".

Thank you.