Sunday, January 05, 2014

Merry Christmas! Bang, Bang!: My New VDARE Column is Up!

By Nicholas Stix

Merry Christmas! Bang, Bang!
By Nicholas Stix
January 4, 2014 at 11:50 p.m.

[ This Christmas piece is being published on Twelfth Night, when we traditionally either publish our War On Christmas Competition final article...or admit that we haven’t gotten around to it.]

On Christmas Day, 1914, at the beginning of World War I, British and German troops, locked in mortal combat, had spontaneous a one-day truce to celebrate, in peace, the birth of their God.

During my childhood in the 1960s, Christmas Eve and Christmas were the two slowest news days of the year. On Christmas Eve the only news was last-minute shopping, and on Christmas Day just about everyone, save for emergency and hospitality workers, stayed home, opening presents and feasting. Even gangsters were home with their families. From the standpoint of the tragedy business, it was a beautifully boring day.

But we live in interesting times, and so Christmas has become a most interesting day….

[Read the whole thing here.]


Anonymous said...

The St. Louis incidents in particular are the scenarios you see in black on black crime.

David In TN

Anonymous said...

"the holiest day of the year for Christians"

Many Christians don't celebrate Christmas. The only holiday mentioned in the New Testament is Easter, the celebration of the rebirth.

From Wikipedia:

During this brief period, the Puritan-led English Parliament banned the celebration of Christmas entirely, considering it "a popish festival with no biblical justification", and a time of wasteful and immoral behavior.[174] In Colonial America, the Puritans outlawed celebration of Christmas in 1659.[175]