Sunday, January 12, 2014

Adding Insult to Injury: It’s Bad Enough When Illegal Alien Mexicans Kill Americans, but The Oregonian is Censoring American Commenters, As Well!

By Nicholas Stix

“A Reader Reports Comments-Thread Censorship in a Horrifying Hispanic Hit-and-Run Case.”


Anonymous said...

Illegal aliens killing Americans is hardly unique.

By my calculations, about a half dozen to a dozen American citizens are killed by illegal aliens in this country every year. From automobile accidents, that illegal person driving either drunk or just reckless. Drunk driving is not a crime in Mexico, so the illegal just does the same here.

About 15 % of all persons in federal prisons are illegal aliens.

By rough and dirty extrapolation, [perhaps too rough and dirty for some, about 15 % of automobile accidental deaths are caused by illegals driving drunk or reckless.

That works out to about a half dozen to a dozen deaths each day nation-wide.

Someone have better figures.

I am merely figuring automobile deaths from accidents and not shootings or stabbings and gang bang killings as committed by illegals.

Anonymous said...

NOT merely the deaths but the cover up too. Well, break one law [immigration] why not break a whole host of laws? Makes sense to the illegal.

Anonymous said...

Oregonian writers or moderators will sometimes post this link in comments fields. It rationalizes their "race" reporting policy. It's utterly absurd of course but to the PC mentality I guess it somehow makes sense.
You could argue the same thing about age, gender or even the witness statements about the events that were witnessed. People could theoretically be wrong about everything they supposedly saw. If that's the case why does a newspaper even report anything at all? Why don't they just state: Something happened last night but we can't report any details because witnesses can't be sure of anything.
So they report everything they can EXCEPT race (unless they're whites suspected of victimizing blacks). Do they really think they're fooling everyone? They delete race to keep from offending one particular protected racial group. There's no other reason. Jerry