Tuesday, May 07, 2013

My Letter to the State Department, Protesting Its Refugee and Asylum Rackets, er, Programs

By Nicholas Stix

[Previously: “Urgent Alert: You Have Only 39 Hours Left to Protest the Refugee/Asylee Scandal That Produced the Boston Bombers, Before the State Department Stops Taking Public Complaints, er, Suggestions!”]

I wrote the following letter quick and dirty. Although I proofread it for grammar, spelling, etc., I didn’t check the finer points of the refugee and asylum programs. Thus, I may have made some slight errors, but only slight, and one was deliberate. If I had tried to be perfect, I would have missed the deadline. However, thanks to 13 years of reading about these rackets at VDARE, I’m pretty well-informed on these matters. However, I wrote not as an expert, but as a citizen. In any event, my letter can give you ideas about how to write your own, and Paul Nachman’s letter is better.

[My Address]

May 7, 2013

Ms. Delicia Spruell
PRM/Admissions Program Officer
U.S. Department of State
(202) 453-9257

Re: Fiscal Year 2014 refugee admissions program

Dear Ms. Spruell,

I am writing you to call on the State Department to suspend its refugee and asylum programs, until further notice.

It would be very nice to be able to welcome the downtrodden of the world, except that some 95 percent of the foreign nationals applying for refugee and asylee status are frauds.

State has not only refused to carry out its responsibility to weed out and deport (or imprison and then deport) the frauds, it has encouraged them.

“Refugees” are a multibillion-dollar racket, with “humanitarian” organizations profiting at the expense of the American taxpayer and ruthlessly destroying what had been some of America’s most beautiful cities, including Minneapolis and St. Paul, and smaller towns like Wausau and Lewiston. And the damage is spreading.

The foreigners who have exploited the programs are completely incompatible with the American way of life. They are extremely primitive, and hate us, yet they seek to bleed us dry and destroy our culture and legal and political systems. They have no conception of religious, political, or sexual tolerance (whether or women or homosexuals). They consider criminal behavior such as spousal and child abuse (including but limited to female genital mutilation), spousal abuse, and even murder (“honor killings”) to be not only normal but virtuous. They are violent, and routinely set upon hard-working, law-abiding Americans in the formerly low-crime cities and crime-free towns they carefully pick out to victimize.

As the Chechen Tsarnaev brothers have shown, they wreak havoc, committing mass and serial murder, and wounding hundreds, and as the case of Nafissatou Diallo has shown, they engage in money laundering, make false police reports, and extort millions out of the rich.

For more typical examples, the ultraviolent Somalis and Hmong have routinized racist terror. (And yes, we know enough about them to be able to generalize!) They have formed violent criminal gangs that deal in drugs and prostitution, have turned the neighborhoods where they live off of the American taxpayer into no-go zones, and have extended their reach to brutally seizing once beautiful public parks, and going into once crime-free American neighborhoods and beating, robbing, and murdering law-abiding Americans in the latter’s own neighborhoods.

Since State cannot be trusted to police the programs, they must be suspended altogether, until which time hundreds of thousands of fraudulent “refugees” and “asylees” have been deported, the corrupt officials at State have been removed from their positions, the program entirely revamped and radically reduced in scope, and the “voluntary” organizations who have been ripping off the American taxpayer and the profit motive completely eliminated from the equation.

I realize that some legitimate applicants will suffer from a moratorium, but that is what happens when people refuse to do their jobs, and instead help criminals. If State had done its job, we wouldn’t have these problems, and I wouldn’t be writing you. At this point, it is millions of Americans who suffering. It is State’s job to worry about them first, persecuted foreign nationals second, and to refuse to extend any solicitude to foreign criminals—the diametrical opposite of what it has for years been doing.

Thank you.


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