Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Guess the race? "gang of 6 teens — including 14-year-old girl 'leader' — charged for 'unprovoked,' broad-daylight beatdowns in space of 1 hour"

By N.S.

"gang of 6 teens — including 14-year-old girl 'leader' — charged for 'unprovoked,' broad-daylight beatdowns in space of 1 hour"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Of the six that were arrested, none of them were arrested before, which is very, very surprising. We're not sure what caused them to do this."

GRA:They finally reached the age of negro criminality--when their DNA kicks in. These negresses were just a little later in life than usual.

"Not arrested before"--but they will be again...and again...and again. You can count on it.