Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Closing arguments in black Coley McCraney’s trial for the murders of pretty White Girls J.B. Beasley and Tracie Hawlett, and Beasley’s Rape

Closing arguments in black Coley McCraney’s trial for the murders of pretty White Girls J.B. Beasley and Tracie Hawlett, and Beasley’s Rape
By David in TN
tuesday, april 25, 2023 at 6:35:00 p.m. edt

Here is an account of the closing arguments of the trial for the murders of J.B. Beasley and Tracie Hawlett.

The prosecution argument and rebuttal made the right points. The defense closing spun the usual fairy tales.

I can’t confirm it but one observer said a few days ago there were only two black jurors and one of them was kicked off for not attending, plus an arrest record he didn’t disclose.

The jury was said to be five men and seven women. This means the jury is largely White women.

By Anonymous
tuesday, april 25, 2023 at 6:40:00 p.m. edt

“come up with a story to explain events”

And to explain why he wasn’t home around the time the murders are assumed to have been committed. Maybe he thought his wife (then girlfriend) might be called to testify, and would say he was not at home for most of that evening. His wife could have declined to take the stand, but since he voluntarily gave a DNA sample, maybe he and his lawyers thought it would look funny if she asserted her privilege not to appear as a witness.

So this guy had a big problem: he had to come up with a story to explain: 1) why his semen was found on clothes belonging to JB; *AND* 2) why he was away from home that night, and the reason he was away had to be connected to J.B.

There ain’t too many ways to explain both of those things.

But assuming: 1) he’s lying about knowing J.B. and about having an appointment to meet her; and therefore 2) his encounter with J.B. and Tracie that night, which resulted in him raping J.B. and killing both of them, was chance, then he must have been away from home at that time for some reason not related to his phony story of meeting J.B.

What was the reason he was away from home on that night during that period?

N.S.: He was out hunting White girls.

McCraney Trial Day Five Update 12:36 P.M. Closing Arguments
By Anonymous
tuesday, april 25, 2023 at 7:46:00 p.m. edt

McCraney Trial Day Five Update 12:36 p.m. Closing Arguments


As reported, a pretty good summation/closing argument by the prosecution.

But I did not see where it was mentioned that there was no evidence of robbery. He did ask the jury to consider what would have been a motive for someone else to kill those two young girls? So he should have mentioned there was no evidence covering up a robbery that could have been a motive.

Also did not see it mentioned that defendant had a criminal record when he was in the Air Force, and at that time owned a weapon of the same caliber (9 mm) as the one that killed the two girls. Maybe the prosecution was barred from introducing that – ?

And I would have reminded the jury that these murders happened nearly 24 years ago, and the defendant they see before them today was not only much younger back then, but also likely a completely different and dishonest, untrustworthy man, as shown by his infidelity.

Did not bother to read what the defense said. It’s clear what their main points would be: for them, it all revolves around the consensual sex story to explain the defendant’s DNA. You either find that story credible, or you don’t.


David In TN said...

A frequent Websleuths commenter whom I've referenced, just observed that it will come out after the trial that somebody with big money has been bankrolling the defense.

I replied that many people have long wanted a rape-murder case like this with a DNA hit to have the defendant acquitted.

The MSM has been ignoring this trial. But if there is a Not Guilty verdict there will be triumphal approving coverage by the MSM. Maybe even with a hung jury.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Contrast this case with Bryan Kohberger, in his case the DNA match will likely make the trial open and shut. However, according to the defense a witness at the scene has exculpatory evidence: https://www.foxnews.com/us/idaho-student-murders-bryan-kohberger-defense-claims-surviving-roommate-has-exculpatory-evidence
Of course the defense will always claim that no matter how flimsy the evidence but until we know what it is, we can't be certain about anything. Whatever this witness saw, it would have to be pretty powerful to overturn the DNA evidence and the phone and camera records that place Kohberger in the vicinity of the crime. It does appear there is more evidence against Kohberger than there is against McCraney but one still has to wonder how the Idaho murder case would be played out if Kohberger had been a black man. Would he claim he was having consensual sex with all 3 girls and a mysterious White man snuck in and did the deed right after he left? One would think that murdering White men are following black men around all the time waiting for a chance to kill the Whitey women they are having secret trysts with.

Anonymous said...

You tube video from WDHN reports no decision from the jury yesterday and they were dismissed for the day.

WDHN's Aaron Dixon,dressed as if he were moose hunting in Canada,immediately brought up the possibility of a "hung jury"--"which would result in a retrial.So we will wait and see what happens tomorrow."


David In TN said...


McCraney Found Guilty!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
He's guilty!

But check out this sentence toward the end of the article:

At least two attorneys hoping to file wrongful arrest suits on behalf of McCraney had jurors found him not guilty left the courtroom in disgust after hearing McCraneys testimony.

David In TN said...

Paula Zahn did a show on the Tracie Hawlett-JB Beasley murders. It runs on the Investigative Discovery Channel (ID Channel) early Sunday Morning at 7 a.m. ET.

The program is well done but would have been better with a two-hour show instead of one hour.

David In TN said...

A surprise. ABC 20/20 is doing a two-hour show on the Tracie Hawlett-JB Beasley murders Friday Night a 9 p.m. ET. I can't remember 20/20 doing a program on a trial we covered.