Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Tow Trucks and Trash (Ottawa)

By A Canadian Colleague
Wed, Feb 2, 2022 3:37 a.m.

Tow Trucks and Trash

tow trucks and trash
When I was walking around downtown with my friends, I pointed out how clean the streets were. There really was no litter. Which is totally amazing, given the huge number of people that were there. In a plaza near the Parliament buildings there were a whole bunch of garbage bags, but all neatly tied up and nothing spilling out of them.

A cbc reporter took a picture of a bunch of some garbage bags and reprimanded the protesters "Look at the piled up garbage!" Someone, a self-identified "fringe minority member" pointed out that the protesters cleaned up after themselves and piled up the garbage:

It looks like the crows got into some of those bags, though.

Ottawa's mayor Jim Watson wants the trucks out of his city. He wants to end the "dreadful situation" and told the truckers they've made their point and "you've worn out your welcome." In order to get the truckers out, he asked tow truck companies to tow them away. But it turns out they all had Covid! [Chuckle!]


Anonymous said...

The truckers made their point and have been heard [literally so] but as time passes the attempt will be made to just ignore them.

Anonymous said...

Jim Watson needs to be "towed" out of Ottawa--by his toes--and dragged in that manner directly into Lake Superior.