Wednesday, February 02, 2022

"The End of America? It's Not That Hard to Imagine"

By An Old Friend
Wed, Feb 2, 2022 2:04 a.m.

"The End of America? It's Not That Hard to Imagine"

This is from a friend who was the managing editor of the Kalispell, Montana Daily Inter Lake.  He retired a few years ago but still writes abundantly at his own blog and at real clear politics.


Anonymous said...

" At least that's before it all went south in Vietnam and a president resigned in disgrace."

YES. All began to go south during the Vietnam era. Has not slowed down but a slight bit. And shows no sign of ending. Cannot but be pessimistic.

Anonymous said...

The author's a little behind the times--there IS no America anymore--except in small,negro-less towns.