Friday, February 04, 2022

Shrier: Updates, Inquiries, & New Investigative Piece

-----Original Message-----
From: Abigail Shrier from The Truth Fairy <>
Sent: Fri, Feb 4, 2022 3:20 pm
Subject: Updates, Inquiries & New Investigative Piece

Updates, Inquiries & New Investigative Piece

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
A 2019 video is posted online showing NY Mayor Adams using the "C" word in regard to White police officers (no, not the c word describing a sex act, but a certain food product):

Adams tried to minimize his racism with these comments:

After the video was unearthed, Adams apologized on Friday and attempted to contextualize his racial comments.

“I definitely apologize. Inappropriate, inappropriate comments, should not have been used. Someone asked me a question using that comment and playing on that word,” Adams said.

“I responded in that comment, but clearly these comments should not have been used, and I apologize not only to those who heard it, but to New Yorkers because they should expect more from me,” he added.

"Contextualize"???? Why is it that if a White uses the "n" word, or any other racial slur, it's racist no matter what the context? But it's OK if a black does it?

A BLM activist shot the video and posted it online, but he also supports Eric Adams and released this statement:

Thomas Lopez-Pierre shot the video and uploaded it to his Youtube channel on Tuesday. Lopez-Pierre defended Adams’s racially-charged diatribe, telling New York Daily News, “This is how Black people talk. To us, it was family. We were having a conversation with family.”

Thanks Mr. Lopez-Pierre, for affirming that black people talk like that among each other. Using racial slurs towards Whites is just part of their culture, and proves their culture is racist. Imagine if a White politician or public figure was recorded using a racial slur, imagine the outrage. Oh wait, we don't have to imagine that at all, we know what happens because it's happened innumerable times, unless it's certain Democrats in key positions of power.

Blacks also use "salty" (as in salty crackers) as a way of describing angry Whites (usually reacting to negro harassment of some kind), which is a way of referring to them as "crackers", or "krakkas" without saying the word directly. Salty has evolved into a general description of anyone being angry, but it started out as a pejorative toward Whites. Blacks will deny that of course, but that's because they are all liars.

Adams will survive this. Blacks privilege is at work and we know there are two standards at work here, a no tolerance one for Whites and a wink wink nod nod one for racist negroes.