Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Byron York on the Sewage Inflow and the United Nations of Illegal Aliens: The Border Gets Worse and Worse

By An Old Friend
Tue, Feb 1, 2022 4:33 pm

Byron York on the Sewage Inflow and the United Nations of Illegal Aliens

Just cataloging the theft of our country ....


Anonymous said...

It's comparable to FDR flying uniformed Germans and Japs into the US between 1939 and 1945 for an invasion from within.Same damn thing actually.


eahilf said...

>Same damn thing actually.

OK, if you say so.

>illegal border-crossers

The word asylum does not appear in the article, which is typical of the conservatard press (I expect better from York) -- this is a big reason why so-called conservatives have trouble solving problems: they can't even diagnose the problem correctly.

While 'catch and release', whatever the context, has always been reprehensible, today likely all of these people apply for asylum -- word has gotten around: all they have to do is say the magic word 'asylum', and it would be illegal to turn them away as 'illegal border-crossers' (no matter how bogus the application).

There was a recent court decision in Texas related to this:

Austin judge tosses migrant’s trespassing charge, a blow to Gov. Abbott’s border enforcement plan

Treating asylum seekers as 'illegal border-crossers' by arresting them and hitting them with local charges like trespassing was never going to work legally -- what's important to most grifting establishment conservatives is that they appear to be doing something, so they do something stupid and throw it out as red meat to their low information supporters.

In the Texas case, an NGO called Texas RioGrande Legal Aid filed suit on behalf of migrants -- but nowadays there will always be a do-gooder NGO ready to do the same, and these suits will generally be successful, because asylum law and precedent are very heavy on the rights of migrants as well as the responsibilities of signatories.

I wrote about this problem before -- Trump should have pressured Mexico to sign a 'safe third country' agreement with the US (as exists with Canada) -- but like most conservatives, he was too stupid, short-sighted, and incompetent to get that done.

Anonymous said...

"Doocy noted that many do not show up for those check-ins with ICE."

80 % of the illegals that get a notice to appear in ninety days just skip out and are never seen again. And if the illegal apprehended again they just get another notice to appear.

What is the use?