Sunday, September 20, 2020

Pigs Fly! The Amish, the Indians, and Trump

By Jesse Mossman
Sat, Sep 19, 2020 11:07 p.m.
Pigs Fly!

Frequently people joke about the Amish after black crimes, saying, "It must have been the Amish." The joke is because Amish are noted for keeping to themselves, not causing trouble, and not seeking publicity. That is why it is amazing to see the Amish make an exception to their traditional behavior and endorse Trump with a parade: From what I have read, Amish are concerned that leftist judges appointed to the Supreme Court could affect their lives.  


Trump support from other unexpected quarters include an endorsement from the Chairman of the Crow Tribe, A.J. Not Afraid--who was not afraid to support Trump because, as he said, "The Crow Tribe is a coal tribe." He went on to say that the tribe is not seeking a handout from the government but just asks them to get out of the way. It is interesting that he pointed out that Crows were on the government side in the Battle at the Little Bighorn.

Then there is the endorsement from the Vice President of the Navajo Nation. However, the Navajo are definitely interested in government money.

Now add in increased support of Trump by blacks and Hispanics and it sure looks like Trump can overcome the Democrat cheat machine and win. In spite of disappointment that Trump failed to end birthright citizenship and deport all the illegals, the Democrat promise to pack the Supreme Court with leftists would mean the end of freedom in this country for most or our lifetimes--if not forever.

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