Sunday, October 12, 2014

Pat Buchanan: Gay Marriage and Our Judicial Dictatorship

By Nicholas Stix


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More ephemeral Samizdat under the reign of Google

In Light of the recent Supreme Court Decision To Pass The Buck in the name of Federalism and let the lower Federal circuit courts overrule popular elections and state legislatures, a New Declaration of Insubordination is in order.
To that end we bring you:

The New Unanimous Declaration of the thirteen Federal Appellate Courts of the United Socialist States of America,

When in the Course of MultiCultural Events, it becomes necessary for the Courts to dissolve the Politically Incorrect Bands which have connected them with Posterity and to assume among the powers of Gai, the separate and equal arbitrary station to which the Laws of Diversity and Mother Nature entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of the bought and sold [Moron] Mainstream Media requires that they should declare the Specious Causes which impel them to Short Circuit the Constitution and the Historic Rule of Common Sense and Common Law . . .