Saturday, October 18, 2014

SPLC: GOP Must Ditch Its Base, and Instead Reach Out to Homosexual Voters

By Nicholas Stix



Anonymous said...

According to the highly regarded CDC (cough, cough), homosexual males make up approximately two percent of the Republic's population.

Why appeal to a group so small that, for the most part does not vote Republican, and at the same time infuriate your own political base?

It's called lose-lose situation.

countenance said...

I hate to inform you, but a lot of "white nationalists" have the same opinion.

Nicholas said...

You don't mean the ones who keep inviting the gay Nazi expert on masculinity to speak at their conferences, do you?

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what the male homosexual population is really, 2% sounds a bit low to me though it's not the 10% claimed by gay activists. However, 15% of women today identify as being lesbian or bisexual. 40 years ago it was around 2%. We have had massive media promotion of lesbianism that has dramatically increased homosexual behavior in women. I realize some may disagree with me on this but I don't believe that men become gay due to environment. It is an impulse that stems from something we can't define. However, women are different, they will choose to be homosexual from environmental cues, even at a relatively older age.
My point is that the GOP isn't so much courting the votes of that 2% (or 5%) of gay men, it's courting the votes of gay sympathizers, friends of those gay men or people who might be straight but equate any critique of the gay community with being racist or bigoted. Those 15% of women who say they are bi or gay will, are an even larger bloc of voters, they will vote for whatever party they think is more sympathetic to gay causes. Jerry PDX