Saturday, October 04, 2014

Graduation and Wedding Photos (Humor)

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

I thank the old buddy who sent me these. Literal-minded me was expecting to see his own graduation and wedding pics from the previous millennium, and got quite a pleasant surprise.


It must be wonderful to look back in years to come, and recognize all your old classmates and the memories of all the fun times.


This is a very nice souvenir photograph of 24-newly wedded couples in Enfield, near London.

Just hope for their sakes, that each husband goes home with the right tablecloth….


Chicago guy said...

That's in Britain? That's something more sobering than mere Ebola.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wonder if the Muslims don't have the right idea about women, in a way. Women are simply not allowed to act out in the ways they do in the West. Here we have feminists, the Kardashians, pop tarts like Miley Cyrus or Katy Perry, a 15% lesbian rate in young women and many white women using negroes to spite white men at every opportunity (see #2 the Kardashians though they are hardly the only ones). Is that what our "freedom" has brought us? Jerry PDX

DJF said...

Looks like Pakistanis in the second photo, if so they are probably all first and second cousins of each other. If so they might need DNA testing to separate them out.