Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A. Ashley Tabaddor is Perfectly Qualified to be an Actress, Beauty Queen, or Prostitute, but Instead She is a Professional Traitor



By Nicholas Stix

Read Federale, at VDARE, to learn of her high crimes.


Anonymous said...

Ashley. That is her whitey name. She is hesitant to check the "white" box on the census but she is known by her whitey name.

She needs to move back to Iran.

Anonymous said...

Right, the "kids" cannot make the hearing because they have been moved to a far away locale.

As if that is why they missed the hearing. NO MATTER how close the hearing they would just skip.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention. #shootMichaelBrown

Anonymous said...

Please look into her relation with Trita Parsi and NIAC. She is a member of PIAA which is a shell organization for NIAC. Anyone with those connections should not be a federal judge nor an immigration judge.

Anonymous said...

Her relationships with IABA , PIAA and NIAC as well as the positions those organizations have taken regarding international policies certainly raise concerns of her sincerity of the oath she has taken to be a bench officer. Why would an admin law judge find it appropriate to advise organizations whose job is to advocate political issues. Didn't she get that lesson when she took the oath that it is the appearance of and not the conflict itself? As mentioned by other posters, she has close relations with Parsi a self proclaimed advocate of the Islamic regime.