Wednesday, April 10, 2024

gopers join reds to block fisa renewal bill

By N.S.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to try not to write this too much this year,but all this baloney the politicians are attempting to pull the wool over our eyes with,well...

You can tell it's an election year.

- G R A

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
This is the ACLU's opinion on FISA:

The ACLU considers the FISA Act to be unconstitutional for several reasons including: the law was designed to mainly address terrorism threats, but in fact intercepts communications that have nothing to do with terrorism or criminal activity of any kind; and that "the government can create huge databases that contain information about U.S. persons obtained without warrants and then search these databases at a later point."[45]

On occasion the ACLU does make a legit point. I understand the need to monitor those who hate us and want to do us ill but how do you keep this kind of surveillance from being used against us? If I travel overseas and continue to read and comment on NSU do I get tracked and put on some list? There are those that would define the kind of opinions expressed on NSU as being "terroristic" and would love nothing better than to have our names gathered and stored as potential threats. It's a conundrum and probably has no easy answer.