Monday, April 22, 2024

Carr brothers update

By An Old Friend
Monday, April 22, 2024 at 08:54:59 p.m. edt

Carr brothers update

On and on it goes:   

Sorry, looks like you'll have to copy&paste the link; I can't get it to be "live."

The commenters on the first article in the link (there were several below it) weren't sympathetic to the monsters.  Here's the comment I, as "Paul 137," added:

People interested (appalled by!) this case -- known as "the Wichita massacre" -- should also educate themselves about "the Knoxville horror." Even hyper-politically-correct Wikipedia gives the details about that.

I'm surprised that the associated press ["ap"] is covering this news, because it, too, is hyper-politically-correct. For example, note the capitalization in this sentence from the article: "The brothers are Black, their victims white."

I think most Americans have never heard of either case, so it's useful to spread the word about them. Here's the obvious question you can ask the people you educate about these cases: "So you've never before heard about these cases. Suppose that the cases had, instead, involved whites brutalizing and murdering blacks -- do you think you would have heard about those?"


Anonymous said...

The comments seem on the mark.Nigs should have been executed 20 years ago.A crime only blacks can commit.


Anonymous said...

YEP. Justice system so called just so perverted. The two negro Carr boys should have been gone a long time ago.