Sunday, March 17, 2024

The After-Life Quiet Man: Transfer The Duke and Miss O’Hara to chicago 2024 to understand the difference of 72 years and 1800 miles

“The Kiss: John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara in Ford’s The Quiet Man (1952).”

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, march 17, 2024 at 10:42:00 p.m. edt

Transfer The Duke and Miss O’Hara to chicago 2024 to understand the difference of 72 years and 1800 miles.

Mary Kate: Well, Mr.Thornton, make yourself scarce, I’m going to clean your house.

Thornton: Thank you, ma’am.

Mary Kate: Why are there bullets on your floor and in your walls, sir?

Thornton: There was a drive-by last night. blacks are as crazy with guns as indians are with bows and arrows.

(rap music starts blasting outside.)

Mary Kate: What, pray tell, is that horrible noise, Mr. Thornton?

Thornton: nig music—if you want to call it music, ma’am.

Mary Kate: I DON’T. Does it ever stop, Mr. Thornton?

Thornton: If you have enough ammo and good aim—yes ma’am.

Mary Kate: I’ll clean this up, but what's the point? There’ll just be more shell casings in here tomorrow.

Thornton: Probably, so why don’t you just kiss me instead?

(Duke plants one on Miss O’Hara).

Mary Kate: I must admit, that DOES beat doing housework, Mr.Thornton.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honestly could be in 2024.