Thursday, March 28, 2024

breaking news: mex, Soto, charged with mass stabbing in Rockford; cops-msm say attacks were “random” (wink, wink)

[“Number of those stabbed in Rockford, illinois murder spree goes up to 11.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
thursday, march 28, 2024 at 9:46:00 a.m. edt

GRA: I looked up “Soto” and it’s a familiar name in mexico, venezuela, and other such countries.

“Rockford, ill. (cbs) — a man has been charged in connection with an attack that left four people dead, including one teenager, and seven others injured [sic] wednesday afternoon in Rockford, illinois. police said some of the victims were stabbed.

“police on thursday morning confirmed Christian Soto, 22, has been charged with multiple counts of murder/intent to kill and home invasion. he is expected in court on Thursday at 1:30 p.m.”


By Grand Rapids Anonymous

thursday, march 28, 2024 at 10:28:00 a.m. edt

Interesting, the wide differences in demographics for Rockford. Some websites have Whites at 62%, while others at 52%. Some have blacks at 12%, yet others are estimating black population at 27%. mex were barely mentioned on one site, but others say “hispanics” are 19% of Rockford’s population .

Those are huge differences. Apparently, “Soto” and the mex group of 19% win this mass murder demographic prize.


N.S.: Published demographics, like so many other numbers, are increasingly fakestats. Some numbers can be explained via overlapping categories (“Whites” vs. “hispanics”), while others (blacks at 12% vs. blacks at 27%) cannot.

Note that the msm are saying that the attacks were “random.” (The Boss was listening to a report on her, formerly my, cellphone, which she long ago, “requisitioned.”) That’s a police-media “tell” that most or all of the vics were White.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

West side or Rockford very bad for a long time. My cousins wife worked in a local hospital they called "Gun and Knife" club. Even in a place like Rockford.