Saturday, March 30, 2024

Amy Wax: Debate with an Embattled Racial Realist (Video)

Re-posted by N.S.


Anonymous said...

I watched this first part previously.Has Amy Wax been found yet?I assume Loury and the school she teaches at(University of Pennsylvania,where she's under a racial investigation)teamed up to make her "disappear".Her honest,accurate arguments against blacks--TO a black--cannot go unpunished.

I'm not saying they "Riley Strained" her,but Whites usually suffer a misfortune for being as honest and outspoken as Wax was here.

Just call in and let us know you're fine.


Anonymous said...

It didn't sound like much of a debate because the black agreed with much of what she said. I do think there are other qualities besides IQ to be considered for future doctors. We recently had many--probably most--doctors go along with the lies that Big Pharma promoted through the CDC, universities, media, etc. Only a few brave doctors were honest enough to stand up to the propaganda and serve their patients with the truth. I don't know how to screen for honesty, independence, and putting patients first, but obviously our current medical establishment is a huge failure--in fact a national disgrace and many should be prosecuted. But none will be. It is evident that many doctors are only in it for the money--I even heard a medical student say he decided to go for the bucks.