Saturday, March 16, 2024

realtor group settles lawsuits by slashing commissions, risks mass exodus of agents

Saturday, March 16, 2024 at 03:53:38 a.m. edt

realtor group settles lawsuits by slashing commissions, risks mass exodus of agents

“I hate realtors,” said the top Wells Fargo loan officer in the Southwest.

I have had to deal with realtors during the years I spent as a loan officer.

Many could be royal a--holes.

Not on behalf of their clients.

But because pots of gold were awaiting them at the end of a purchase loan.

Far too many realtors made too much money way too easily here in dallas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing will be done to realtors commissions--not a chance.If they're black,the commissions will probably go UP.