Saturday, March 16, 2024

Guess the race: Andre Gordon, 26, shot and killed two people at a residence on viewpoint lane shortly before 9 a.m., police said; Gordon then drove to nearby edgewood lane, where he allegedly shot and killed a third person

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
saturday, march 16, 2024 at 03:19:23 p.m. edt

Andre Gordon, 26, shot and killed two people at a residence on viewpoint lane shortly before 9 a.m., police said. Gordon then drove to nearby edgewood lane, where he allegedly shot and killed a third person.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the nig who shot two dead in GR in November and then a third a little later.Probably our guy here. Where was he in November,I wonder.


Anonymous said...

Andre what ya'll done did? And what is the connection between the persons at the two homes now deceased?

Anonymous said...


GRA:Taylor Daniel(White,dumb coal burner)was one of the vics--the mother of two kids with Gordon,found out why reading NSU would have given her the thought that "maybe,I shouldn't let blacks enter my reproductive area.

Now deceased by lead injections via firearm.


Anonymous said...

Previous post:area--end quote.

Next order of business:

I was watching the news and even before that,I had an intuitional feeling of interracial murder,but a few older Whites were interviewed about Gordon and I thought,"oh,oh,I'll bet the mother of his two chillens was WHITE," so I looked it up,to make the whole thing official.

Lots of pics of them on google search

So blackie is p.o,'ed when he CAN'T get Whitey women and he's p.o'ed when he GETS Whitey women.

What does that tell you about blackie?


Anonymous said...

Always the terrible response to an emotional situation. Murder. These murders will be forgotten instantly. These whitey wimmen never seem to learn and probably never will. There are valid and good reasons why the races should not mix.