Thursday, March 21, 2024

Don Rickles Weighs in, from The Afterlife Tonight Show, on Ohtani Nohtani!

By Don Rickles’ personal, after-life interpreter, Grand Rapids Anonymous
thursday, march 21, 2024 at 9:48:00 a.m. edt

Isn't that something? He takes those huge amounts of American dollars and refuses to assimilate by learning the language.

If Rickles was still walking the Dodger clubhouse these days he’d say, “It sounds like I’m back in the jungles of World War II. Between that and the jive negro talk, I don’t know WHAT the hell the players are saying.”

Rickles had a video back in the Lasorda years where he jabbed at the fact there were a couple mex players around, speaking Spanish.

“Now it sounds like I’m in an Asian restaurant.”



Anonymous said...

"Hey,Don--good to see you pop up here every now and then.How's the wife?
--Frank Sinatra

Anonymous said...

"Hey,Frank--she's fine.I'd ask you how YOUR wife's doing,but there's so many to choose from."

--Don Rickles.

Anonymous said...

You're a dead man,Don,for that joke.
(That's MY joke,Donny baby).


--Frank Sinatra

Anonymous said...

Here's a hilarious clip from "Hollywood Squares",Spring 1972,Hazel vs Ray.Look it up--I couldn't believe Paul Lynde giving this joke answer.

"Paul,the 16th amendment has always been fairly unpopular since it was approved in 1916.What did this amendment do?"

"Free the slaves."

Now the contestant disagreed almost immediately,not knowing it was one of the greatest punchlines of all time.

"You disagree?No,it was income tax,"Peter Marshall quickly cut in,while Lynde had a big wide smirk on his face.

Look it up on YouTube.


Anonymous said...

"I'm a dead man?Tell me something I DON 'T Frank.

--Don Rickles.

Anonymous said...

If you listen right after,when they pull away to all nine squares,you can here a couple stars laughing and one saying,"Freed the slaves!"There was a bit of shocked laughing by the celebs and when they cut to Charley Weaver,he's STILL guffawing at the joke.

A classic moment.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't harm that one hair on your head,Don.Later.

--Frank Sinatra