Tuesday, October 10, 2023

TCM is showing Orson Welles’ Touch of Evil: Extended Version (1958) Tomorrow (Wednesday Night) at 8 p.m. ET.

By David in TN
tuesday, october 10, 2023 at 11:08:00 p.m. edt

TCM is showing Orson Welles’ Touch of Evil: Extended Version (1958) tomorrow (Wednesday Night) at 8 p.m. ET. Charlton Heston is this month’s TCM Star of the Month.

In his intro for a 2021 broadcast of Touch of Evil, Eddie Muller said again, “In my heart I preferred Ricardo Montalban,” but admitted, “Touch of Evil was made because of one man, Charlton Heston.”

N.S.: The same year, Heston was a featured player in the masterpiece, William Wyler Christian Western, The Big Country. Wyler (1902-1981) was a Jew who liked to brag—and with justification—that nobody could make Christian pictures like he did.

So, at one point during the filming of The Big Country, Chuck Heston (6’3,” and at least 210) goes out to lunch with castmates Chuck Connors (between 6’5” and 6’6,” depending on the source), and huge, legendary stuntmen “Good Chuck” Hayward and “Bad Chuck” Roberson, and remarks, “This has to be the first time there was over 800 pounds of Chuck at one table.”

(Note that sources conflict as to who was “Good Chuck” and who was “Bad Chuck.” The conflict derives from the fact that sometimes one is reading a source, and at other times a blind rumor, or a claim by a very sloppy person. I’ll have to look around my library.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(CNN)Jerry Seinfeld says he’s up to something related to the ‘Seinfeld’ finale: ‘Something is going to happen’

GRA:The premise would have to be,that after serving a Derek Chauvin-like jail sentence(since their last episode in 1998)they are released,and at THEIR ages,decide two things.One,is to apply for social security.The second,come up with a 25th anniversary "Seinfeld" reunion show.Here they are standing in line at the SSA office--where they are the only Whites in the room.

George:Is this really still the "Big Apple",Jerry?

Jerry:Well,it is--and it isn't.The sign on the building reads,"New York Times",but it could just as easily say "Ugandan Times".

Elaine:I don't like this city anymore,Jerry.

Kramer:YAHHH,someone just stuck a pistol in my back.

black thug:We wants to move up in line ahead of you,cracka.

Kramer:We were just leaving--right,Jerry?

Elaine:Let's apply for social security ANOTHER DAY,okay?

Jerry:Yes,okay,let's move very slowly,we're moving toward the exit,very slowly.Are you with us,George?

George:CLM,Jerry--Costanza's Life Matters--let's roll.

(They go out the exit door.)

Elaine:NOW what are we going to do?

Jerry:Well,it's not safe to get on the bus,ride the subway,take a cab or walk anywhere in New York City--I've been reading NSU.

Kramer:YAHHH,someone just stuck a pistol in my back.

black thug:We wants to stand where you're standing,cracka.

Elaine:I don't know if you guys can do this anymore--but LET'S RUN FOR IT.

(Down the sidewalk they trotted--a half a block to the nbc building,where once inside the executive office,a noticeable trend occurred to Kramer).

Kramer:They're all black,Jerry--every exec in here is NEGRO!

George:Except for Brian Roberts,the CEO.

Jerry:And he might as well be.

Brian Roberts:Jerry!George,Kramer,Elaine--You've come back to nbc.I hear you want to pitch an anniversary show.Let me introduce my three top program directors:Jacquarious Jones,Affirmative Actionious Jackson and Chlamydia Johnson.They will decide if your idea gets approved.

Jerry:Did I say I had an idea for a TV show?

(Turns to the other three)

Jerry:Let's get out of here,it looks like we should have stayed in jail.

(Looks back to Roberts)

All we stopped by to say was that I am formally announcing that "The Show About Nothing" is going on permanent hiatus--no reunion show.


How could you make a "Seinfeld 2023" special,the way
New York City is now?You can't.