Tuesday, October 10, 2023

the true face of illegal gun straw-purchasers: prosecutors said DeAndre Cannon, the teacher and basketball coach, bought nearly four dozen guns in Georgia over four months in 2022, handing them off to Conroy Samuels, a jamaican illegal alien who’d been deported but who'd snuck back in...

By A Texas Reader
tuesday, october 10, 2023 at 11:24:43 p.m. edt

"prosecutors said DeAndre Cannon, the teacher and basketball coach, bought nearly four dozen guns in Georgia over four months in 2022, handing them off to Conroy Samuels, a jamaican illegal immigrant [sic] who’d been deported but snuck back in, and who also had..."

"feds bust high school teacher and illegal immigrant [sic] in gun-buying conspiracy




Anonymous said...

blacks are geniuses(they think).Then White cops catch them,which pis*es them off.When blacks say "Defund Police",they mean WHITE POLICE--the only police who still want to enforce the laws that blacks detest so much.


Anonymous said...

What is this villain buying these guns for Jamaican posses the parties are a criminal organization and do a lot of murder. This teacher so called should be brought up on federal charges. What he did is he done in concert with a criminal enterprise or murder has been committed that can be a capital case at the federal level with the death penalty