Tuesday, October 10, 2023

A Little History about the Crusades, vs. anti-Christian blood libels

By Jerry PDX
tuesday, october 10, 2023 at 4:09:00 p.m. edt

A little history about the Crusades:


As pointed out in the article, White liberals wield the subject of the Crusades as a way of making islam a victim of European Christianity. They completely ignore that the Crusades were a response to centuries of islamic aggression and conquest against Europe.


Anonymous said...

About a 1000 years in modern history of combat with Arabs.Even when not in organized warfare,muslims still behave like they are.

They have not evolved one inch.

Anonymous said...

"White liberals wield the subject of the Crusades as a way of making islam a victim of European Christianity."

Not sure about that. It's not generally a topic for the popular media. And in more academic settings, generally the Crusades are mentioned in the context of retaking or reconquering territory after a phase of expansion by militant Islam. Would be hard to avoid or not mention that historical fact.


"They have not evolved one inch."

An inch is a measure of distance. Hard to see how it fits when talking about something like social evolution, or the evolution of civil society of one people or another. One bit works better than "one inch".

Anonymous said...

Never heard of "not budging an inch?"


Anonymous said...

From something I posted at Gates of Vienna, re "Political Correctness" in current European media:
“Charge of the Light Brigade” (1935) had the heroes state that they don’t hate all Moslems, only the one who was the particular villain in the story, and even DeMille’s “The Crusades” (1936) had to whitewash the very reason for the actual historical Crusades! You see, Hollywood product was very popular (and profitable) in the Middle East back then. Times are much worse now, of course, but the pandering always existed in one form or another.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx

"Not sure about that. It's not generally a topic for the popular media"

I didn't say it was generally a topic for the popular media, I said White liberals wield it as a way of condemning Christianity. And they do. The idea that the Crusades was just Christians victimizing Muslims is always in the back of their mind, even if they have no understanding of what it was really all about. Tell you what, go to any college campus and get into a discussion with woke students about the history and conflict between Islam and Christianity, guarantee you at some point they will bring up the Crusades as a way of demonizing Christianity and making Muslims seem like victims. If you don't believe me, then do it. How much would you care to wager they bring up the Crusades within 10 minutes?

BTW Not budging an inch is a figure of speech, it's not meant to be taken literally.

My God, you might be the true life Sheldon Cooper. I never thought a living person could be so literal. You must be a hit at parties.