Tuesday, October 10, 2023

syria joins in—fires rockets at Israel; how about an all-out mideast war?

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
tuesday, october 10, 2023 at 5:20:00 p.m. edt

“Update (1612 ET): the syrian army has fired missiles toward the Israeli-occupied [sic] Golan heights tuesday evening (local), breaking reports indicate. The Israeli defense force have confirmed the attack:

“This raises the risk of a broader conflict which spirals, given the earlier exchange of fire in northern lebanon between Israel and likely hezbollah positions. al jazeera senior correspondent Zeina Khodr writes on the significance of the Golan mortar fire from syria:

“rocket from syria lands in Israel occupied [sic] Golan heights-it was a matter of time before a message is sent to Israel from this front … ‘multi front assault possible.’”

GRA: Well it’s a one, two, three,
Golan Heights looks like hell,
All the Arabs and Israel.

Well it’s a 5, 6, 7, open up the pearly gates,
Ain’t no time, to wonder why,
Whoopee, bombs gonna fly.



Anonymous said...

"Israeli-occupied [sic] Golan heights"

There's no need for [sic]. According to nearly the entire world, the Golan Heights (note the H is capitalized) is Syrian territory. It is not recognized as belonging to Israel. It is "occupied".


"The international community, with the exception of Israel and the USA, regards the Golan Heights to be Syrian territory ... "

A Wikip note asks for a citation, but there's no need for that. It's prima facie true that except for the US and Israel, the Golan Heights is still recognized as belonging to Syria.

In fact, the arrogance and contempt of the US and Israel in dealing with the situation in the Mideast contributes to the unending hostility there. Not to mention the territorial expansion of Israel via settlement activity, which is generally condemned by other nations.

Anonymous said...

An all out war is exactly what the villains one and probably have planned for some time first gaza are in the violence and will be Lebanon on the violence it will be Syria and proxy forces of Iran they want a regional war and expect a lot of very bad

And American intervention in some regard that will only make things much worse

Anonymous said...

Media coverage: “ New footage showing the aftermaths of an Israeli strike, which targeted a group of journalists in south Lebanon, killing 1 journalist and wounding 2 others.”

GRA:Why do I like this?I know I shouldn't--but I do.Which brings me to motive,which I normally could care less about,but why did Israel choose THOSE journalists to send to Allah via express route?