Wednesday, October 11, 2023

disappearing murder in philadelphia (no, not that murder!); White woman committed “suicide” by stabbing herself 20 times, leaving a carving knife in her chest; city complains that if her parents’ “case were to proceed, it would open the floodgates for other lawsuits”; in other words, the Philly cops and medical examiner have been changing all manner of murders to “suicides”

Ellen Greenberg and fiance Samuel Goldberg

By N.S.

“Case of Philly teacher Ellen Greenberg, whose 2011 death by 20 stab wounds was ruled suicide, heard by court

“Ellen Greenberg’s death was ruled homicide, then switched to suicide without explanation. Her parents are fighting to take their civil suit to trial.”

“In court Tuesday, Diffily said the Greenbergs were asking for a ‘sea change’ in the law and argued if the case were to proceed, it would open the floodgates for other lawsuits.”


Anonymous said...

Then open the floodgates.


Anonymous said...

Wow--this was one tough, determined woman to be able to stab herself 20 times. But there have been tougher suicides--remember that Clinton aide who may or may not have shot himself in the head twice and may have even disposed of the gun and moved his own body after killing himself?

Anonymous said...

No idea about this case, never heard of it. But it is theoretically possible to stab yourself many times before blood loss makes it impossible to continue stabbing yourself. Kinda depends on where you stab yourself. If you hit an artery you'll bleed into unconsciousness faster.

Very strange story. Don't blame the family for refusing to believe the coroner.

"Ellen Greenberg's death was ruled homicide, then switched to suicide without explanation."

Imagine having the death of your daughter "switched to suicide without explanation". Since they switched it, there must have been a reason, right? What was the reason?

This part is beyond strange:

But following the ruling from Hill in October 2021, the city filed an appeal, claiming Hill’s decision to allow the case to move forward was “an egregious abuse of discretion that ignored binding precedent” and that even if the medical examiner’s findings were incorrect “... the law makes clear that a medical examiner can be wrong as to the manner of death yet cannot be compelled to change it.”

But the article is from 2022 and it appears the parents lost their case:

"public servants"

Anonymous said...

“... the law makes clear that a medical examiner can be wrong as to the manner of death yet cannot be compelled to change it.”
GRA:And are encouraged to be wrong--see george floyd.The analysis of a coroner is a huge factor in deciding murder cases.


Anonymous said...

"And are encouraged to be wrong--see george floyd."

The GF case is mixed. Autopsy heading:


DATE AND HOUR OF DEATH: 5-25-20; 9:25 p.m.

The cause of death was CARDIOPULMONARY ARREST. The rest of it as a description of reported circumstances: COMPLICATING LAW ENFORCEMENT SUBDUAL, RESTRAINT, AND NECK COMPRESSION.

Also it is dark by 9:25 p.m., and the Floyd incident took place in daylight.

III. No life-threatening injuries identified

B. No injuries of anterior muscles of neck or laryngeal structures

So despite NECK COMPRESSION there were "No injuries of anterior muscles of neck or laryngeal structures". No injury to larynx is important because that is the voice box and his breathing was apparently not restricted.

NECK: Layer by layer dissection of the anterior strap muscles of the neck discloses no areas of contusion or hemorrhage within the musculature. The thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone are intact. The larynx is lined by intact mucosa. The thyroid is symmetric and red-brown, without cystic or nodular change. The tongue is free of bite marks, hemorrhage, or other injuries. The cervical spinal column is palpably stable and free of hemorrhage.

No injury at all to the neck. Even no bruising of neck muscles due to NECK COMPRESSION.

No mention of homicide in this report. The word does not appear in the autopsy report.

The decision to prosecute was the fault of the DA and purely political. Had not so much to do with the coroner.